Right now, in inspiration to raising funds for missions, I am offering my Health & Wellness Coaching at %50 off!
What was $400 for 1 -1:30 hour of a 2-6 page including a comprehensive report about what you currently eat and applying simple food combining principles that tax the digestive system LESS; thus, leaving room for whatever corrective behaviors take place in the problematic parts of your body’s metabolism, organs, fat, muscle development, and ect
I personally specialize in issues such as IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (Irritable bowl disease), Leaky Gut, weight loss, muscle development, the pyscho-spiritual connection to the Body’s Inflammatory response, and many others
Schedule a Zoom or In person meeting for a limited time only for $200!
In this consultation you’ll not only
Receive a complex analysis of your blood type, gastrointestinal history, sleep, exercise, current eating habits, previously known health issues, but also very intentional psychological, motivational strategies to consistently implementing the SMAll Changes that will be made to your eating habits, much similar to the Acid-Alkaline Diet
Message me at Merciers Medicinals LLC
OR Simply comment below!