💐Hive Five Farm is a small family run business. With five children in addition to the farm, our hive stays busy! We raise black welsh mountain sheep, horses, dogs, and children here at our small slice of heaven in Midland, Virginia. Led by Joe and Ashleigh, Hive Five Farm has been operating on a small scale for seven years now. Learning to live off of our land has had quite the learning curve, but one we wouldn’t trade for anything. Our mission has been to continue to live sustainably off of our property, to continue caring for it as it provides for us. As our children grow, our eyes have set to grow our farm as well…
💐This spring we will expand in to the world of flower farming- follow along our journey. We will chronicle all the ups and downs as we expand our farm, ugly and pretty. Be a witness to all of our failures and successes, as well as some cute photos of our children, animals, and 🤞🏼 some gorgeous flowers!
💐Check out our website to follow our chronicles! HiveFiveFarm.com