Who do you call when you need a caterer to feed 90 troops in 24 hours but the catch is your 19 hours away from the place of operation… of course you would call Pirogues Catering!!
Jim Tipton you are a rock star!
Thursday around 330 pm we got the call, troops need meals by Friday eve.., by 4:15 Jim had airline tickets booked, car rental booked, food order in place with vendor and was on his way to the airport. Of course flight delay so he spent the night in Minneapolis. He arrived in phoenix the next morning and drove the 2 plus hours to flagstaff, arrived around 2 pm with a stop at Sam’s club…. but … had a full meal of Grilled pork chops, oven roasted potatoes, vegetable, dinner rolls and salad ready by 5 !!!
Jim Tipton you a rock star and I know the troops appreciated the great food!
Bonus for Jim was a candidate from OCS class of 2013 is now a commander in charge of the troops who are training at camp Navajo so he got to catch up with her!
I wish you could smell this brisket!!
Thank you to all who have Served.
Congratulations to the OCS Graduating class of 2023! Always a pleasure to be a part of the training each year! Here are a few photos from this years operation. Thank you to the candidates for your sacrifice, service and for all the kind words, cards and flowers we received, Jim and I truly appreciate it!
Congratulations to the OCS Graduating class of 2023! Always a pleasure to be a part of the training each year! Here are a few photos from this years operation. Thank you to the candidates for your sacrifice, service and for all the kind words, cards and flowers we received, Jim and I truly appreciate it!
Andy stayed up all night long to smoke brisket fresh! Look how tender and juicy this looks🤤🤤🤤🤤
State patrol candidates singing for dinner! Couple weeks left and the will graduate!
No words can describe how beautiful this grazing table is for Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota’s event at the Highland Conference Center tonight! I mean WOW! Kuddos to Andy and his crew for the amazing execution!
Our first Wedding Showcase was a raving success!! It was amazing to meet hundreds of new people and to share our incredible food with them! We had many, many compliments and those compliments mean the world to us! Thanks to everyone that stopped by our booth and said hello. We look forward to serving you and your events ☺️ See you next time!