QC TubaChristmas 2022
Schedule - Saturday, December 10th, 2022
Welcome Mike Wawrzynski, East Moline, Illinois as our conductor this year.
9:15-10:00 - Registration at SouthPark Mall, Moline next to JC Penny across from Exotic Imports. You may register early at West Music, Davenport beginning Monday, December 5th. Cost is $10 and includes commemorative button.
10:00 - 11:45 - Rehearsal at SouthPark starts promptly at 10:00 am for our brief practice. Bring your own music stand and chair. There is room for your case if you store it vertically.
12:00 - 1:30- After rehearsal – Lunch on your own. The rehearsal space will be supervised. You may leave your instrument, case, and accessories in that area.
2:00 - 3:00 - Performance - Former Younkers Court. Please be in place before the downbeat.
Please ensure your music, stand, and instrument, and chair are in place. Tuning and last-minute warm-up go to the practice room.
Downbeat for the first song will be EXACTLY at 2:00, please be in place, valves oiled, music in order and ready. There will be NO announcements before we play; only after the first tune.
After the concert, please clean up your space.
TubaChristmas Concert is presented with permission from the Harvey Phillips Foundation, Inc. and West Music.
Registration is $10.00 and includes a commemorative button. Please bring cash; we won't have access to a credit card reader or payment processing device. All fees collected are forwarded to TubaChristmas headquarters in Indiana. Register early at West Music, Davenport beginning Monday, December 5th or you can complete the registration form and bring it with you to the mall.
TubaChristmas stocking caps and scarves will be for sale at West Music in Davenport.
Please bring your own music stand and folding chair to use for the rehearsal and performance.
Also, to be respectful of our excellent place to rehearse and play, please bring a square of absorbent cloth to put on the floor for emptying your water valve during the rehearsal and performance.
For further information, questions, or assistance, please call West Music in Davenport at (563)391-9000.