IT'S FRIDAY!... are you ready for Savage Axe (CHUNKiT) and Karaoke Madness??? 7pm-11pm tonight 1812 Tower Drive in Monroe. $5 cover.
HRT Productions is proudly powered by Creed & Creed Law Offices and Chance Bingo
HRTP 08022024
Don't forget that Friday and Saturday we're singing at Savage Axe (CHUNKiT) at 1812 Tower Drive In Monroe. We hope to see you there!
HRT Productions is proudly powered by Creed & Creed Law Offices and Chance Bingo
Tonight (Wednesday) we're jumping in to cover for our buddy Scott with the Swampers at Enoch's Irish Pub & Cafe in Monroe! We're there 8pm-Midnight and hope you'll join us!
HRT Productions is proudly powered by ChunkIT, Creed & Creed Law Offices and Chance Bingo
Karaoke Stops 06252024
Here we go! 3 great locations for karaoke this week and we can't wait to see you! Fontenot’s Cajun Way-Monroe, Savage Axe and Crews Thru Drive Thru!
HRT Productions is proudly powered by Creed & Creed Law Offices and Chance Bingo
Getting ready to start at Savage Axe! 7pm-11pm tonight (Saturday) at 1812 Tower Drive in Monroe! Can't wait to see ya!
HRT Productions is proudly powered by Creed & Creed Law Offices and Chance Bingo
Savage Axe double play of Karaoke Madnes and more this Friday and Saturday! 1812 Tower Drive in Monroe. Come hang with us!
HRT Productions is proudly powered by Creed & Creed Law Offices and Chance Bingo