Hi again! After a HACKED day from hell with this thing, I think I have it back. Started at 8:30am. I am exhausted and relieved! I was getting kicked off after 20 seconds and my posts were deleted. Also! The fake ones that I deleted returned! I’m so sorry to everyone who was affected by this. Thank you to everyone who reached out to me to let me know this was going on. Thank you to my daughter Angie that found help for me because I was hitting a wall. These jack wagons are deviants who have skills. We are wise to them now. For the record: I am not selling anything vehicles and don’t send any money! I’m not putting my dad in a home. He passed in 1988! They will send a text asking if you would be a trusted person to help retrieve a hacked Facebook account. I fell for it last week with another friend who was hacked. I believe that’s how they got access to my FB account. So please ask for verification! Their English is terrible and if you engage long enough they will slip up. I have a two step log in now which sucks but not as much as losing my account. Love to you all! Be safe ❤️