Did you know?
Did you know!?
Researchers using EEG measurements have found that dying people can perceive auditory stimuli until the end, even if they no longer show any other reactions.
In other words, we lose our sense of touch, smell, taste, and sight first, but can still hear sounds until the very end. This means that the comforting words that relatives often whisper to the dying until the very last moment indeed reach them.
#didyouknow #researchshows #auditorystimuli #sounds #hear #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
If you can't attend a funeral, there are thoughtful ways to support the grieving family:
1) Send a sympathy card sharing memories and condolences.
2) Consider flowers or a memorial gift.
3) Reach out with a call or video message for comfort.
If close to the family, offer help with tasks during this tough time. Attending a memorial service later can also show your respect.
#funeral #tips #support #condolences #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
February is the start of Black History Month! ❤️💛💚
As we honor Black History Month, let us reflect on the invaluable contributions that have shaped our society. This is a time to not only celebrate achievements but also to acknowledge the ongoing journey towards equality and justice. Together, we can build a future that respects and uplifts every voice.
#blackHistoryMonth #contributions #achievements #equality #justice #uplifts #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
January 12 is National Pharmacist Day, a holiday in honor of all pharmacists across America. Pharmacists do much more than dispensing medication, their job has evolved over the years, and now they provide their customers with advice, vaccines, and health care, and are a crucial intermediary between doctors and patients.
Take a moment, and thank your Pharmacist today!
#pharmacist #nationalday #day #advice #support #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
Did you know?
In the Victorian age, widows were expected at their own social peril to don only black clothing for a year following the death of a spouse. After the anniversary passed, they could only wear only dark colors for the rest of their lives.
In addition mourners were forbidden to go to any sort of social gathering for many months laughter was taboo.
#mourn #didyouknow #taboo #historicalfacts
What is one thing you'd like to accomplish in 2025? It could be a hobby you want to learn or a place you'd like to visit. Share your words to inspire others!
#newyear #resolution #accomplishment #hobby #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
Choose Wisely
"Tomorrow is the first page of a new book. Choose your words wisely".
#quote #newbook #newyear #wise #tomorrow #moorefuneralandcremation
Merry Christmas
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
#christmas #christmastree #christmasdecor #xmas #merrychristmas #love #happynewyear #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
Holiday tips
5 Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays 🍲
Here’s your recipe for staying on track no matter what’s cooking! Temptations are everywhere, and parties and travel disrupt daily routines. What’s more, it all goes on for weeks.
How do you stick to your plan when everyone around you seems to be splurging? Here are 5 tips that can help in this article from the CDC. https://brnw.ch/21wPBuN
#healthyeating #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthy #weightloss #healthyliving #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
Did you know?
Did you know? #interestingfact
A casket is a rectangular box with a lid. A coffin is six-sided box wider at the shoulders and narrower at the feet. Caskets are more commonly used in the United States than coffins.
#coffin #box #casket #resting
For some, Christmas is not the time to be jolly; it is sometimes filled with sad memories of someone close who is no longer here. Some people want to handle Christmas by doing things the same way as always - not changing anything and keeping to the same routines and family rituals. Keeping to the familiar gives them comfort.
Share a coping tip you find to help manage those feelings during the holiday season in the comment section below.
#christmasspirit #christmasday #moorefuneralhomeandcremation
Veteran's Flag folding
Did you know? November is the month which is home to Veteran's Day, Veterans Day is observed on November 11th in the United States. It's a day to honor and recognize the contributions and sacrifices of military veterans. Many communities hold ceremonies, parades, and events to celebrate and remember those who have served in the armed forces.
#veteranday #november #unitedstates #sacrifice #militaryveterans