I'm growing flowers and making bouquets in order to save money for college. I've been working 2 part-time jobs in the flower industry and have had a lot of private instruction developing bouquets. Flowers grow so well in the Skagit Valley with floral beauty, Spring through Fall. Every time I turn around, there seems to be something new coming into bloom. I'd love to share the beauty of flowers wit
h you through a weekly bouquet subscription. Either treat yourself or someone you love to a weekly bouquet for $60/month. Bouquets will vary each week depending what's in bloom. So, they should be a pleasant surprise every time. How It Works: All flowers are hand-picked and cut fresh for beautiful blooms in vases. You provide me with 2 quart-size vases to start and then we'll alternate the vases each week. Sunday, 1-2p, is pick up day at South Fork Farms unless some other arrangements are made. Subscriptions can be stopped at the end of any month. Because 2021 is my inaugural year, I would like to start with 5 clients. If interested, call or private message me with your name, address, phone #, and email. I anticipate that flowers will go through September 2021 for this year. Non-refundable payment (cash or check) is due the first Sunday of the month for that month.