Ready for a dreamy garden this summer? Tubers go on sale tomorrow, February 1, at 8am PST! (Yes, I ship!) #dreamgarden #dahlias
Order this view! 😘
I still have just a few cutting gardens kits available. You can order this view and pick it up in early April! 😍
You might think I’m overstating things, but just listen: cold hardy annuals will perform far better when planted out while it’s still cold! And you’ll get the earliest harvest of the most magnificent, strong, lush blooms that you’ve ever seen. And all at a time when most people are only just starting to prepare their soil for summer planting! I share how to do it in your very own growing zone in my downloadable planting guide. It’s not hard! I promise. 😘 Find the guide by clicking the link in my bio or comment here and I’ll send you a link! #gardendreamer #gardengoals #gardening #flowergarden #cutflowers #genuineskagitvalley
I’ve got only a handful of kits remaining for preorder.😙 I’ll be starting seeds for your gardens in just a few weeks! #SkagitCounty #gardendesign #seattle #seattlewashington
Violas and pansies are some of the easiest seeds to start for your own early spring garden. 1. Freeze your seed for 2 weeks. 2. Surface sow on soil blocks or traditional seeding trays. Do not cover seed with soil. 3. Place onto a heat mat at around 75 degrees. 4. Keep covered with a clear humidity dome or plastic wrap to hold in moisture. 5. Keep under bright lights (ideally suspended just a few inches above the soil). 6. Bottom water as needed to maintain consistent moisture. Germination should happen in about one week! Blooms should come in about 90 days. #skagitvalley #microurbanfarm #urbanfarming #seedstarting #seeds
And that’s literally all I managed to get. 😂 Pretty typical for me, tbh. 🫠I promise I didn’t sit on my couch the rest of the day. It was spent doing very ordinary mom-of-three things like packing lunches, school drop-offs/pick-ups, and so much laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Then add in a heavy dose of mud plus dahlia tubers, heavy lifting, spring bulbs, and aching muscles, and there you go. 👌 #dayinthelife #flowerfarm #urbanflowerfarm #skagitvalley #everlastingflowers #mountvernonwa #genuineskagitvalley #skagit #skagitcounty #typeb
Oh how I love autumn! 🍂 It’s almost time to roll the flower cart back into storage, but for a bit longer it’s filled with everlasting goodies and seeds for your home gardens. Love to you all. 😚 #genuineskagitvalley #skagitvalley #seattle #driedflowers
The cut flower seed shop is stocked and ready for you! Yes, all seeds are grown, harvested, hand-threshed, and hand-packaged right here on my micro-urban flower farm. And yes, I do ship within the US. 😚 Find them at
I can’t wait to have you visit. • Open House dried flower/wreath sale: September 14 & 28. • Wreath Workshops: October 10 & 12. • Sign up at (link in bio). #everlastingflowers #seattlewashington #skagitvalley
The quietness of creating is soul-filling for me. I do my best thinking while stringing flowers into garlands, tucking them into wreaths, or making anything else you can imagine coming into existence inside a drying shed. It’s a magical time of year. #seattleflowers #gardeninspiration #genuineskagitvalley #gardenstory #gardeninglife #cutflowers #everlastingflowers
So many dahlias! Dahlia bunches are $12 each or 3 for $30. The cart is fully stocked for you!
If you told me what I’d actually end up doing with my life back when I was a college student (getting my undergraduate and graduate degrees in counseling), I would have laughed in disbelief. Not because it sounded unappealing, but because it sounded too good to be true. I’ve always been a very practical person. Do what’s safe and invisible (because INTROVERT 😂). That childhood desire to be a farmer got buried along the way. But there has been so much joy in sharing my little dream with my husband and children, and watching as our lives have changed and become so enriched by working our bit of earth. #farmerdreams #flowerfarming #everlastingflowers #dryingshed #smallbusiness #seattlewashington