Do you like to save money? Why buy, when you can rent! Don't start your future in so much debt. You can have a beautiful wedding for less cost when you rent as opposed to buying. Did you realize you can save 50% or more from the original price it cost to purchase your items. We are still in the process of uploading pictures of all of our items. Trust me, my wife has notebook pages of items she has purchased that are not pictured on our site yet. If you are needing something not pictured, please message us to see if we have what you need. If we don't have it, we may be able to acquire it for you.
How would you like to have no worries for your wedding & everything done for you so you can truly enjoy your special day? We are also in the process of starting to book full service weddings for a special price for the remaining fall dates available. You will have unlimited communication with our wedding planner through email, up to two scheduled in person meetings if you would like to go over all the details prior to your special day. These weddings will occur outdoors in Mountain View City Limits at either our venue area, or city park. The outdoor wedding package will include two hours for ceremony & pics, a wedding coordinator, arch, arch drapes, arch florals & decor, 50 chairs, isle decor, bridesmaid bouquets, groomsmen boutonnières, flower girl basket, ring pillow, welcome sign with florals, small simple wedding cake with decorated cake table, ceremony music, bubbles & basket, card & gift table. You will also have access to the area for any special photography sessions you would like prior to the wedding. We also have information available for our preferred vendors: photographers with a different price range to fit every budget, DJ, tent supplier if concerned about weather, additional rentals if needed. This special price is only available for a certain time for $1000.00. Reception packages are available for additional fee. Our dream is to make all of your dreams come true for your big day! Please message us if you are interested in visiting our area or needing any additional information.