You can do it!!
I Want to share how powerful cutting back on carbs, daily exercise and a 12 to 14 hour fast can be.
I am working with two delightful Sisters, one in her mid-60s, the other in her early 70s. They are determined and decided to start daily exercise, at least a 12 hour fast, and cutting back on carbs. Like all of us they enjoy their sweets and chose to replace them with more healthy options including Greek yogurt, ultrafiltered milk, fruit, nuts and seeds, non-starchy vegetables, cheese. Using the Lose Weight with 8 meal plan we brought total carbs down to 6-8 servings a day (90-120 grams carb)
Two weeks in they are down 3 and 8.5 pounds!!!!
The body responds to lower carbs, daily exercise, and fasting; all three work toward reversing insulin resistance by lowering the fasting insulin level. Insulin is a fat storing hormone, when you lower it you’re able to break down fat stores.