If you’ve wondered what you can do with your tattered tees, old tires, used toner cartridges and tossed-out mattresses, MTSU is hosting the perfect event to help. The Murfreesboro Recycling Roundup is set for Saturday, June 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the MTSU Rutherford Parking Lot, 602 N. Rutherford Blvd.
What can you drop off?
• Clothing and textiles (no carpet, rugs or pillows)
• Ink cartridges and toner
• Flattened cardboard
• Electronics
• Scrap metal
• Pet supplies
• Styrofoam blocks
• Glass (food and beverage)
• Paper for secure shredding
• Small batteries
• Tires (up to 8, with $1 incurred for anything extra)
• Mattresses (limit two per vehicle; a $10 charge will be incurred for any additional)
For more details and a complete explanation of items that can be dropped off, visit https://www.tectn.org/murfreesbororoundup.html, email Ginger Reasonover at [email protected] or call 615-379-8259