Howdy y'all! Fire House Nac is planning a Spring lecture series where once a month we will feature a speaker or demonstrator. This lecture will coincide with a bi-weekly outreach initiative where Fire House will be facilitating a community cabinet full of products + resources that our community can benefit from. Lectures/demonstrations will take place only once a month during the time of our outreach initiative.
We are seeking VOLUNTEERS to host their own lecture or demonstration (45 minutes - 1 hr long) and have these topics in mind, but are open to many more:
- disaster relief/response
- harm reduction (broadly or specific topics)
- copyright/artists rights
- gardening + growing
- climate anxiety
- ethical consumption
- auto repair/maintenance
- first aid
- intersectionality (broadly or specific topics)
- financial/budgeting tips
- parent/guardian resources
If you or someone you know may be interested in collaborating with us about these topics, please let us know in the comments, by directly messaging us, or by reaching out to Brigette Kozash. Please share this post! We will be building our calendar this month and plan to release it by the end of January.
Thank you!