…..pressing pause.
After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to press pause on The Party Banner. I could give a million reasons why I should continue and another million why I shouldn’t. But, at the end of the day, I said I’d do TPB as long as I was having fun, it was providing happiness to others as well as myself, it made sense financially, and it worked for my family.
Schedules changed, circumstances changed. And the writing was on the balloons. (See what I did there?! You know I couldn’t go out without a pun.) It just wasn’t working in this capacity in this season for me. So, I’m stepping away.
I’m unsure if this will be for now or forever, but what I am sure of is this: there was a time where The Party Banner was an outlet I needed in a world otherwise consumed by tiny tots. Where dreaming of your parties put a spark in my soul. Where using my brain felt oh so good. Where YOU believed in me and rooted for me. And I’ll forever be grateful. For the chance to celebrate your lives with you over the past 1.5 years, thank you. Know that it means so much. I just need to spend a little more time in my own right now💙💙💙
Moving forward, I won’t be on here much but will keep this account active bc it’s a pause. I may figure out how to press play again. Maybe in this capacity or in another I have yet to even dream of. Either way, I like this name. So the account lives. (Back away from the name. It’s mine. 😉)
If you are in it for Tardio boy spam, I’ll see you on my personal account. If you are my real life friend, I’ll see you in the hookup line in my ballcap and lukewarm third cup of coffee. Cheers. And if you are from afar, I hope you found something here that inspired you in your world miles away.
Okay my little partiers! Toodles for now. If the wish is mine to make: I hope you’ll eat the cake and use too many sprinkles, wear the party hat and go for the obnoxious balloon. I hope you’ll find ways to spread joy and kindness, even when the world feels heavy. I hope you’ll support small brainchilds. And I hope you’ll leave this space knowing that you filled me up in a way I couldn’t have found elsewhere. You have a place in my heart. Always.
Xoxo, Liz