“Bellesque” encapsulates both the Southern Belle and Burlesque, a theatrical entertainment production popular in the 1900’s. We are a high energy production consisting of 9 top elite female dancers from the Southeast and created by a team of six renowned choreographers to ensure that our production is top of the line and a show you don’t want to miss! We incorporate a wide variety of styles while
making sure to stay true to the country music scene that Nashville was built on. Bellesque will alternate and feature different shows on a monthly basis while showcasing some of the best live music, acrobatic pole dancers, aerialist, and a range of diverse talent to keep it fresh and so that no two months are the same. Burlesque in the old style, bordering on vaudeville is what most people are used to when envisioning a show; but this is not that kind of production. This production is not focusing on tassels, pasties or stripping, but using the art form behind the music as a focal point. The human body is a gorgeous work of art, to see it unclothed is one kind of beauty, but to have it masked amid suggestive skin, with the allure and insinuation that you may see more of something desired. Bellesque will awe audiences with its combination of glamour and the forbidden, bringing an excitingly fresh and slightly scandalous new element to Music City, catering to both tourists and the ever-increasing Nashvillian population. Whether it's hip-hop, jazz or something a little more exotic, in this world it's all about confluence. This 60 minute show will bring a new artistic flare with creating its own niche in this traditional city and will cross boundaries adding an air of titillation and sparkle to the atmosphere.