⭐️The high lord of the Night Court has arrived!⭐️Welcome to Rhysand, @tema_time Thank you for for joining us during the 12 Days of Castmas!
⭐️The high lord of the Day Court has arrived!⭐️
Welcome to Helion, @sirjuliuscosplay
1 more day of Castmas to go!
⭐️Everyone’s favorite winter icon has arrived!⭐️
Welcome to Viviane @realm.realityy
2 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️The high lord or the Summer Court has arrived!⭐️
Welcome to Tarquin @cosplaysbyshinobi
3 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️The Cursebreaker has arrived!⭐️Welcome to Feyre Archeron @rubyloutaylor 4 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️The high lord of the Spring Court has arrived!⭐️Welcome to Tamlin, @alexdrastal 5 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️The party princess is here to crash the party!⭐️
Welcome to Danika, @intraventus
7 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️The little powerhouse has arrived!⭐️Welcome to Amren, @paradoxxcosplay 8 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️Your Shadow Singer has arrived!⭐️Welcome to Azriel, @drgerro 9 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️The fierce sister has arrived!⭐️
Welcome to Nesta Archeron, @em.alison!
10 more days of Castmas to go!
⭐️Everyone’s favorite seer has arrived!⭐️
Welcome to Elain Archeron, @spiritsfaeportal!
11 more days of Castmas to go!