2018 US Capitol Classics and China Open
The 2018 US Capitol Classics and China Open offers divisions in many disciplines and is an open sport martial arts event. This means that if you are involved in the martial arts, you can participate and compete in this event. If you win or place in the top 8 in your division, you will get an award. There are divisions for people of all belt ranks, experience levels and ages.
Try sport karate divisions where you can perform your open hand or weapons kata/poomse or compete in point sparring. For schools and teams, there are demonstration divisions and synchronized forms/weapons divisions. Try board or concrete breaking, point MMA, olympic style competition, Chinese divisions, grappling, padded stick fighting, Okinawa traditional karate, Sanda and knock-down kumite. These divisions are all offered. See the website for rules for each discipline so you understand what is expected.
Competition in sport karate is a great way to enhance your martial arts training and improve your skills. Come and try it at the 2018 US Capitol Classics.
More information can be found at www.uscapitolclassics.com