#balletnext #blackswan And the tutu is on…. 😱 Looking forward to our show @parkcitylibrary Tuesday July 26 at 530! #letsmovemountains
#balletnext #blackswan Well, it’s been 11 years since attempting fouettés ! Like riding a bike.. I guess 🤔 Come see us perform in ParkCity starting July 24 @parksillysunday #letsmovemountains
#balletnext #creation #flight Jacey.. our videographer ❤️
#balletnext pleasure working with @emmamichaux @lifeofjuj @kayla._.madsen this week❤️ More to come in July.. #letsmovemountains
#balletnext budding choreographer #passion
#balletnext #easterski #babygirl #firsttracks @deervalleyresort
#balletnext #parkcity Art Gallery Stroll performance
#balletnext #parkcity Art Gallery Stroll performance
#ballet #balletnext @egleandr #michelewiles @violetta #thepianist #elliotfigg #nextgeneration #lifewithoutlimits @kaatsbaan #bach #8monthspostpartum
#ballet #balletnext @violetta @alice_rgf #thepianist #nextgeneration #lifewithoutlimits @kaatsbaan #womenpower
#ballet #balletnext #michelewiles @baryshnikovartscenter #nextgeneration #lifewithoutlimits #bach