Taste of Surabaya
Surabaya is the capital of the Indonesian province of East java and the second largest city in the country, after Jakarta. Surabaya cuisine has its distinctive characteristic of bold flavors, like spicy, sweet, salty, etc.
Taste of Surabaya offer the specialties of Surabaya cuisine such as Nasi Kuning (Yellow Rice) or sometimes known as nasi kunyit. The rice looks like a pile of gold, so it is usually served at parties and opening ceremonies as the symbol of good fortune, wealth and dignity. Nasi kuning is usually served with variety of side dishes such as beef rendang, urap urap salad, fried tempeh, perkedel ( potato fritter) egg balado and chili for people who like it spicy.
Besides nasi kuning, we also serves soto ayam ( chicken turmeric soup ), es kelapa muda ( fresh young coconut ), klepon ( sweet glutinuous rice ball) and any kind of foods from Surabaya.