The Old Newberry Hotel

The Old Newberry Hotel The Old Newberry Hotel is an historical landmark located in downtown Newberry. It is an event venue We also have office space and studios.

Currently the Old Newberry Hotel houses the Newberry Arts Center including a pottery and painting studio, and the Newberry County Literacy Council. The renovated hotel lobby and the upstairs atrium are now venue sites, suited for receptions, parties, and reunions. The old hotel rooms have been transformed into nine apartments for downtown living. The site includes a courtyard that is part of the e

vent venue space. The owners, Mary and Joe McDonald, are always looking for photos, memories, and artifacts related to the history of the hotel which was built in 1878. History of the Old Newberry Hotel: Original hotel burned in 1878 and was rebuilt in 1878. It had 44 hotel rooms, a restaurant, and a meeting room. The hotel closed in the 1950s. The McDonalds bought it in 2016 and finished renovation in 2019.


The Old Hotel is hosting the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Newberry County Literacy Council, an adult education program. We will celebrate the success of the Council in promoting literacy in Newberry County and thank all those - tutors, board members, directors, and volunteers - who have given their time and effort to this cause. We will also celebrate the many people who have participated in the programs run by the Council to improve their lives.

Please join us!!

Thursday, October 19, at 6:00. Dinner will be served! No cost.

Join us Sunday, September 17 at 3:00 at the Old HotelJoe McDonald will talk about his new book, "With All Deliberate Spe...

Join us Sunday, September 17 at 3:00 at the Old Hotel
Joe McDonald will talk about his new book, "With All Deliberate Speed", about school desegregation in Newberry and the student boycott at Gallman High in 1969.

I want to share some information not relating to the Old Hotel.  The Building Thriving Communities Foundation, of which ...

I want to share some information not relating to the Old Hotel. The Building Thriving Communities Foundation, of which I am a part, is holding a shop sale at the old Gallman High building this Friday and Saturday. The school district left a lot of items in the basement shop area when they moved out and deeded the building to us. We need to clean this area out to begin renovation. All proceeds go to our project which is to transform the old school into a community center. Come see the interesting array of building materials and shop items and help us as we move forward. Feel free to share the post and flier.

The Old Hotel was honored to host the celebration for Walt McLeod Sunday.  Walt was our District 40 Representative in th...

The Old Hotel was honored to host the celebration for Walt McLeod Sunday. Walt was our District 40 Representative in the State House from 1996 to 2016. He has embodied the essence of public service and citizenship, acting for the public good. Walt got things done for Newberry that advanced our community and fought for better opportunities for all across our state. Over 250 people attended and speakers praised his life's commitment to others. Thanks, Walt.

The South Carolina Clay Conference, organized by the Newberry Arts Center, is happening now.  The Pottery Market, featur...

The South Carolina Clay Conference, organized by the Newberry Arts Center, is happening now. The Pottery Market, featuring work by local, national, and international artists, is open today at the Old Hotel. Come by and see the creative work on display.

Below is an article I wrote about the closing of Quality Shoe Repair on McKibbon St., just a block away from the Old Hot...

Below is an article I wrote about the closing of Quality Shoe Repair on McKibbon St., just a block away from the Old Hotel. This area adjacent to the Hotel was known as the Back Streets from the 1920s to the 1970s. At any one time, it was an area of over twenty black-owned and black-run businesses. Quality Shoe Repair is the last remaining business from that time. Thanks to David Abrams for running the business these last ten years after his uncle, Cato Coleman, founder of the shop in the 1950s died in 2012.

NEWBERRY — With little fanfare, a community institution has ended a 70-year run. Quality Shoe Repair, also known as Cato’s, closed on Saturday, May 21.

The Old Hotel, in partnership with the Newberry County Literacy Council, is presenting a performance of "Raise Your Voic...

The Old Hotel, in partnership with the Newberry County Literacy Council, is presenting a performance of "Raise Your Voice" this Thursday, April 21, at 4:00. This is a repeat from February of last year. It consists of speeches, essays, and poems by those who had the courage to speak out on topics of importance. Sojourner Truth, Modjeska Simpkins, Benjamin Mays, and Alice Walker are among those featured. All presentations are by local community members.

Hope you can join us!

This picture is the cast from last year.

We have had many events over the last month, from birthday parties to reunions to Christmas gatherings.  Yesterday, Glor...

We have had many events over the last month, from birthday parties to reunions to Christmas gatherings. Yesterday, Gloria and John Glasgow hosted a group of church women for a luncheon, with singing, inspirational messages, and a wonderful meal that John prepared. He said it was the first gathering of this group since COVID struck and they were thrilled to be together again. We enjoyed having this group at the Hotel. As always, we are in awe of John and Gloria and all they do in the community, especially their work with the Living Hope Foundation which has helped so many people over the years.

Happy birthday to Wynton Marsalis.  60 years old today!  He is a two-time performer at the Newberry Opera House and afte...

Happy birthday to Wynton Marsalis. 60 years old today! He is a two-time performer at the Newberry Opera House and afterward went to play with local musicians at Bar Figaro. He posed for many pictures and patiently answered questions. A world-class performer and multiple award winner, he showed us he is a first-class human being. His brother Branford is coming to the Opera House in April. They are both welcome to stay at the Hotel at any time!

Monday morning excitement at the Old Hotel.  Once again, a semi-trailer tried to take a right turn from Caldwell onto Ma...

Monday morning excitement at the Old Hotel. Once again, a semi-trailer tried to take a right turn from Caldwell onto Main and took down the light pole, hitting the side of the Arts Center, narrowly missing the large glass windows. We think this may be the fourth time this pole has been taken out. The previous time it did take out a window. Not the kind of venue event we wanted to schedule but thankfully damage to the building appears minimal - a scrape or two on the wall and some dents in the trim work above the Arts Center windows.

Not a great start to the week but could have been worse. Nobody was hurt!

The Old Hotel hosted a reception for the new Newberry County School Superintendent last night.  Mr. Alvin Pressley greet...

The Old Hotel hosted a reception for the new Newberry County School Superintendent last night. Mr. Alvin Pressley greeted about 75 guests and made remarks about how his educational journey brought him to Newberry and his hopes for the community. The Newberry County NAACP sponsored the event and provided food and drink. Welcome Mr. Pressley!

Please join us at the Hotel this Thursday, August 12, to welcome the new school superintendent to Newberry.  It is impor...

Please join us at the Hotel this Thursday, August 12, to welcome the new school superintendent to Newberry. It is important that we know him and he knows us. Together we can nurture a strong public school system for our community.

The Old Hotel has hosted diverse events - from weddings and receptions to birthday parties and reunions.  From small boa...

The Old Hotel has hosted diverse events - from weddings and receptions to birthday parties and reunions. From small board meetings to large conventions. We have presented plays and literary readings. We appreciate being a venue that offers opportunities across a wide spectrum: entertainment; culture; just-plain fun with friends; celebrations; and education.
We have also hosted political events, involving candidates and party receptions. The life of a community requires that we participate in the electoral process, by running for office, voting, and understanding issues.
Last night, two candidates for office spoke to an attentive crowd. Ms. Angela Geter is running for the U.S. Senate and Ms. Mia McCleod is running for Governor. They explained why they are running and elements of their platforms.
It was a fine and educational meeting with fellowship and food added in. Mary and I are pleased that the Old Hotel was the setting.

Canceled by COVID last year, the Harper Street 4th of July Celebration Parade made a triumphant return this morning.  A ...

Canceled by COVID last year, the Harper Street 4th of July Celebration Parade made a triumphant return this morning. A large and spirited group of participants walked, biked, and golf-carted down Harper street to the delight of spectators gathered on lawns. As always the parade ended with a Newberry Fire truck spraying water on excited children. And some adults! It was a joyous morning on Harper Street. Mary and I and our friends Shane and Monica were lucky to have a front-row (front-lawn?) seat. A wonderful Newberry tradition.

This past Saturday, the Old Hotel hosted a celebration for my very good friend, Dr. Wayne Kannaday of Newberry College. ...

This past Saturday, the Old Hotel hosted a celebration for my very good friend, Dr. Wayne Kannaday of Newberry College. Wayne is retiring and during the commencement ceremony Saturday morning he was named Emeritus Professor of Religion. His wife Helen, his son Christopher, and friends and colleagues gathered at the hotel for food, fellowship, and fun. A number of people rose to speak about their favorite 'Wayne Stories' and to reflect on what he has meant to the College and to them. Thanks to Mary and Gayle who worked hard preparing for the event, including the food. and to all who attended. It was a grand experience. We salute Wayne who is embarking on the next chapter of his life.

The Old Hotel was delighted to be part of the Garden and Art Tour sponsored by the Newberry County Chamber of Commerce t...

The Old Hotel was delighted to be part of the Garden and Art Tour sponsored by the Newberry County Chamber of Commerce this past Saturday. Participants toured four area gardens, each hosting artists displaying their craft. The tour ended with food and beverage in the courtyard of the Hotel, which was included as one of the gardens and where five artists worked. All the artists brought their creations back to the hotel to display; some were offered for sale. Mary and I bought two paintings depicting portions of the Old Hotel building. Thanks to Michelle and Liz at the Chamber, a host of volunteers, and the artists for making this a memorable event and for including the Hotel. We will continue to pursue activities and events which encourage and display artistic talent.

The Old Hotel was proud to be the site of recent watercolor classes offered by the Newberry Arts Center.  Part of our mi...

The Old Hotel was proud to be the site of recent watercolor classes offered by the Newberry Arts Center. Part of our mission is to be active in the vibrant arts scene in the community and to promote 'arts for all' as a community goal. Thanks to NAC for being a wonderful tenant in the Old Hotel!

This Saturday, March 6, and the following Saturday, March 13, the Newberry Arts Center will offer beginning watercolor c...

This Saturday, March 6, and the following Saturday, March 13, the Newberry Arts Center will offer beginning watercolor classes in the lobby of the Old Hotel. Contact the Arts Center for more information or to register:

The Old Hotel is pleased to collaborate with NAC, a wonderful community arts program, and to promote the arts in Newberry.

Copyright for all artwork images are retained by the respective artists. No permission is given to use the images for any purpose.

The presentation mentioned in the previous post was held this afternoon in the lobby of the Old Hotel.  "Raise Your Voic...

The presentation mentioned in the previous post was held this afternoon in the lobby of the Old Hotel. "Raise Your Voice" featured local Newberrians reading from speeches, essays, and poems by people who spoke out about important issues. The presentation was streamed and is available at:

Here is a picture of the cast of presenters all of whom are mentioned in the previous post::


The Old Hotel is hosting a presentation sponsored by the Newberry County Literacy Council this Thursday at 4:00, in the hotel lobby. It is called "Raise Your Voice" and consists of local Newberrians reading excerpts from speeches, poems, and essays by people who had the courage to speak out on issues of importance. If you are interested, please let me know at [email protected].
Seating is very limited. Masks required.

Here is the lineup:

Introductions – Mr. Joe McDonald

Ms. Sojourner Truth – Ms. Sheila Brown

Dr. Benjamin Mays – Mr. Carlton Kinard

Ms. Alice Walker – Ms. Jacqueline Holmes

Mr. Henry McNeil Turner – Rev. Moses Rembert

Ms. Marian Wright Edelman – Ms. Martha Graham

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Mr. David Goggins

Mr. Bayard Rustin – Mr. Joe McDonald

Ms. Amanda Gorman – Ms. Alexis Sanders

The Old Hotel was pleased to hold a small inauguration gathering today, hosted by the Newberry County Literacy Council. ...

The Old Hotel was pleased to hold a small inauguration gathering today, hosted by the Newberry County Literacy Council. We are a place for people to gather for all sorts of events. This one was about a frequent topic in the People's College, one of the Council's programs: the wonder of democracy and the celebration of the voice of the people. That's what holds us together, our belief in democracy even if we disagree about ideas and programs. We saw democracy in action as we watched the pomp and ceremony of today's events. Regardless of party or ideology, we can celebrate the beauty and tenacity of the democratic spirit as a bond among us. Thanks to the members of the Weekly Reader Book Club for arrangements and the tasty food.


There was a wonderful outdoor concert beside the Opera House Sunday afternoon, by the Harlem Quartet. There was an air of magic about it as the performers sat on an improvised stage under the Opera House canopy on Boyce St. and patrons brought their chairs and sat on the lawn of Memorial Park in the late afternoon light, framed by the Christmas trees lining the park, and the warm glow of Opera House lights surrounding them. It was a vision of community life from a bygone era or a romantic, Hollywood movie. Thanks to the Opera House leadership and staff for making this holiday gift to the community.
I can imagine concerts on the lawn of the Old Hotel at some point. We have started to have some small events and group meetings in the Hotel but are waiting for safer times to fully reopen. We look forward to that time. Thanks to those who continue to follow us. Let's stay safe and be smart. Happy Holidays!

We are still not open for events but are taking tentative reservations for the future.  We have a few apartments, office...

We are still not open for events but are taking tentative reservations for the future. We have a few apartments, offices, and artist studios available now. Mary planned and has been managing the restoration of the courtyard which will be a fine place to gather once we can all gather again. We sympathize with all the businesses that have been struggling under the coronavirus and hope that everyone is practicing caution so that we can arrest the sharp increase in cases and get our economy healthy again.

We are mindful of the threat posed by the coronavirus.  Current guidelines from the CDC advise cancelling or postponing ...

We are mindful of the threat posed by the coronavirus. Current guidelines from the CDC advise cancelling or postponing events of over 50 people. Thus, we are talking to those who have upcoming events about rescheduling. We are postponing the Newberry Made Artist Exhibition, scheduled for mid-April, possibly to the first week in June. Robert Matheson will be sending word out to the participants.

I hope also we are mindful of those who need extra assistance at this time. I have included a message from Harvest Hope Food Bank below. And as we practice social distancing, let's try to keep some connection with our neighbors, especially the elderly. We want to keep ourselves healthy and safe but we want our neighborhoods and community to fare well also.

****** From Harvest Hope Food Bank:
"On Friday Governor McMaster declared a state of emergency in South Carolina. And yesterday, he closed all public schools until at least the end of the month.

The steps our state and federal government are taking to fight the Coronavirus crisis are important and necessary. However, these decisions are having real world impacts on families who now have to care for their kids when they are typically at work. This means missed hours and pay, and even less funds to put food on the table. Harvest Hope is here to help, but we need you, too.

We have set up a special Coronavirus Response Fund to be ready for the increased need during this crisis. Will you give today to help?
Go to:

This fund is going to provide critical support for children and families in South Carolina. Please donate today, and consider sending this email to five friends asking if they will join you."

We are a hunger relief organization that partners with 500 plus member agencies in the 20 counties that we serve to feed those in need


We started this page to report on the renovation of the hotel. Interior work has been completed. Now work has begun on the courtyard. The apartments are rented but one or two will be available in May. The offices are rented but we have three artist studios ready for occupancy. With renovation nearly finished, future posts will highlight events.
Since opening the venue space in October, we have hosted a wide variety of events - birthday and anniversary celebrations, corporate luncheons and dinners, political campaign stops, Christmas parties, a New Year's Eve gathering, a wedding reception, reunion parties, and more. Last night, the Young Professionals held their gala here. We are pleased that the space is being used and people seem to enjoy the setting (and the way Mary designed the look).

We will branch out into other kinds of ventures soon. In April we will host "Newberry Made - an Exhibition of Local Artists." Robert Matheson and Mary have designed this to showcase the creative work of people living or working in Newberry County. Also in April, we are planning on staging two small plays based on interviews with Modjeska Simpkins and Septima Clark, two South Carolina Women who were leaders in the Civil Rights Movement. We are excited about the opportunities to present a wide variety of shows, presentations, exhibitions, cultural and political events, and discussions that bring people together. This has been our plan. Thanks to the support of so many people, we have made a good start. I will make future posts shorter!

Here are some pictures posted by Carlton Kinard of the Newberry NAACP Christmas celebration recently held at the Old Hot...

Here are some pictures posted by Carlton Kinard of the Newberry NAACP Christmas celebration recently held at the Old Hotel. More can be seen on Carlton's page. We were honored to have them meet here. A wonderful event and beautifully decorated!

The lobby of the Old Hotel will be open tonight in conjunction with the tree lighting.  Stop by to see the completed ren...

The lobby of the Old Hotel will be open tonight in conjunction with the tree lighting. Stop by to see the completed renovation.

Thanks to Newberry City Council for holding their monthly meeting at the Old Newberry Hotel and presenting us with a ver...

Thanks to Newberry City Council for holding their monthly meeting at the Old Newberry Hotel and presenting us with a very generous proclamation. We are grateful to them and to all who have been so supportive of the renovation effort. We are fortunate to be in a community that shared in bringing an old structure back to life.

The Old Newberry Hotel hosted its first soiree on Saturday.  The family of Dale Marshall, one of our architects, organiz...

The Old Newberry Hotel hosted its first soiree on Saturday. The family of Dale Marshall, one of our architects, organized a 60th birthday party for him attended by over 100 people. Dinner was served downstairs followed by music and dancing upstairs. It was a wonderful evening and marked the re-emergence of the hotel as a site for people to gather and entertain as they had done from 1879 to the 1950s when the hotel closed. My amateurish pictures do not do justice to the party or setting but I will post better ones soon. Wanted to share this now since we are so excited that the venue part of the hotel is finished.


1110 Caldwell Street
Newberry, SC


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Our Story

The Old Newberry Hotel, constructed in 1878, has been brought back to life. It now offers venue space for gatherings of all sizes, luxury apartments, artist studios and offices. The owners are currently asking for photos, memories, and artifacts related to the history of the hotel which was built in 1878. A bit of history of the Old Newberry Hotel:

Courtesy of

“Once Samuel Lindsey Esq. lived in the town of Newberry and used an old house as a tavern, where the Newberry Hotel now stands. John Belton O’Neall inferred in his ANNALS that the ‘drink’ got the better of the man and he was struck with paralysis. For a short time after Nicholas Vaughan was proprietor of the tavern. Ownership then went to William Satterwhite whose wife eloped with Major William Craig, leaving behind her, her infant child. This personal tragedy gave way to excessive ‘drink’ and an early grave. Next report of the site was the building circa 1820 of a ‘BRICK HOTEL’ by James Fernandis who later moved to Alabama. The hotel was then run by Robert Stewart and known as the MAGNOLIA HOUSE. Lenn Morgan took over proprietorship and later moved to the Greenville/Spartanburg area of the State. In 1859 the MORGAN HOUSE was purchased by H. H. Kinard and the name was changed to FARMER’S HOTEL H. H. Kinard turned over ownership of the hotel to his son John M. Kinard in 1860. John M. Kinard was in the Confederate service, received a wound to the right arm which eventually was the cause of his death. Ownership of the hotel then reverted back to H. H. Kinard who sold the Hotel to J. N. Martin. The name of the establishment became the MARTIN HOUSE. The newspaper reported that General Hood, escorting Mrs. Jefferson Davis, spent the night at the MARTIN HOUSE on their flight from Columbia. In December 1865 the hotel was sold to H. I. Epting who changed the name of the establishment to the NEWBERRY HOTEL. J. Pool moved to Newberry from Greenville in 1866 and purchased the site, renovated, repaired, and called the new establishment the POOL HOTEL. There was an elegant bar room attached to the establishment. In 1868 the hotel went into receivership due to bankruptcy. S. B. Calcutt of Marion moved to Newberry and managed the hotel, leasing the hotel from Jordan Pool. In 1872, when the lease expired, Mr. Calcutt retired from management and J. P. Pool again took over. C. C. Chase, son-in-law to J. P. Pool, became the owner in January 1873 but in 1875 C. C. Chase moved to Spartanburg and reverted ownership back to J. P. Pool. It was at that time that the newspaper started to report the names of those registered at the hotel and so from January 1876 to March 8, 1877 there were weekly reports of the activities of the building. Fire consumed the hotel March 8, 1877 and in October 1877 a frame storehouse was constructed on the site. In 1878 the present day structure was built with bricks made by J. P. and T. C. Pool brick-making company.”

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