The Niagara Falls Kiosk web site is a production of the Canadian Tourism Network and Uber Marketing. Uber Marketing is a web development and web marketing company, with headquarters located in Ottawa, Canada. Uber Marketing's products include web directory portals and Business Improvement Association (BIA) portals. The Canadian Tourism Network represents 36 Canadian city web travel, tourism and bu
siness directory portals across Canada and covers information on weather, business listings, tourism guides, events and general city information. Our network receives over 10,000 visitors a day, that's over 300,000 visitors a month and over 3.6 million a year, which offers excellent exposure for our advertisers across the country. The Canadian Tourism Network is a marketing organization that leverages internet technologies to create travel and tourism applications and the means to generate relevant traffic through search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. We would like to invite you to use the Niagara Falls Kiosk whenever you need to find a Niagara Falls based company, service or organization. Stay tuned for many new features that we will be launching in the next few months. As the World Wide Web grows everyday, we hope you will find our "kiosk" an efficient and easy tool to use. If you have any suggestions please email us.