Why Bone Broth?
Bone Broth is One of the Most Potent Solutions on the Planet
But why?
To understand why bone broth is such a powerful tool, you need to know exactly how it works its magic and just how much nutrition comes in bone broth.
Bone broth provides you an incredibly concentrated source of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and vital proteins your body needs to thrive (in fact, there is little else on earth providing you such a powerfully concentrated source of these nutrients)!
When toxins — in everything from so many foods these days to environmental pollution — get too much control of your gut, it creates serious issues for your stomach.
This allows all that toxic junk to leak into your bloodstream and body.
Your white blood cells then attack these intruders to try to stop them from further damaging your body.
If this “leaky gut” goes on for a long time, your body continues to overproduce white blood cells to try to keep the toxins at bay.
This can lead to all sorts of serious issues!
So here's one of the most amazing things about high-quality bone broth:
It immediately starts to line your stomach with those concentrated nutrients and quickly begins to revitalize your overall health!
But what’s the reality behind bone broth?
Is it just another fad like “low fat” or “fat free,” or is there something more that makes bone broth a legitimate health powerhouse?
Here's where bone broth really starts to shine.
It’s not just some made up, corporate, committee-approved “health buzz word”.
Not by a long shot.
In fact, bone broth has some amazing origins leading all the way back to the beginning of humankind.
Bone broth has been around since the very beginning... and for good reason.
You gotta give it to our ancestors, they really had their stuff together.
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of man using hot rocks to crush and cook the bones of the animals they hunted for food.
This is the earliest indication we have that the nutrients contained in the bones themselves are crucial to our body's overall health and well-being.
With the advent of modern cooking, bone broths became staples in kitchens around the world.
From beef to lamb to chicken, every culture around the globe has some variation on a bone broth used not only in everyday cooking, but also as a special elixir to help support overall health.
This is exactly why we’re so quick to make soup to make sure we stay healthy!
It’s not an old wives' tale, it’s a proven health-promoting liquid handed down over many centuries.