O Taste & See Thursdays in Da Bishop's Corner w/ Bishop James Spellmon
Come on in and join myself Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice, my Co-Host Apostle Kathy Gardner, and a surprising host of believers as we discuss the awesomeness of serving God the Father and his darling son Jesus The Christ. Come on and participate as we invite the holy spirit onto this platform. Please go like and subscribe also to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
O Taste And See Thursdays! Tune in today and be blessed with the musical sounds of Gospel Legends both living and non living. Then join in on the discussions about our Lord and Savior in Da Bishop's Corner! Go to bit.ly/romeoradio
O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8 KJV#otasteandsee #dabishopscorner #gospellegends #otasteandseethursday #YourFavoriteDJ #DJRejoice #djandradiohost #radiopersonality #mobiledj #internetradio #internetradiostation #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportsmallbusinessowners #supportsmallbusinesses #givingittoyoulikeyouwant #makingyoufeellikeyouneed #therehearsalroom #dabishopscorner #goodreads #noweaponformedagainstmeshallprosper #blessedmanofgod #healthymanofgod #fbclubromeosexclusiveradiostation #igclubromeosexclusive #AnointedAndAppointedmusicandtalkradio
Quartet Tuesday's In The Rehearsal Room w/ Tony McPherson and The New Orleans Spiritualettes
Let's see what's going on with The New Orleans Spiritualettes
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
Da Bishop's Corner
Come on in and join myself Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice, my Co-Host Apostle Kathy Gardner, and a surprising host of believers as we discuss the awesomeness of serving God the Father and his darling son Jesus The Christ. Come on and participate as we invite the holy spirit onto this platform. Please go like and subscribe also to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
Quartet Tuesday's in The Rehearsal Room w/ Fred Perry & 2nd Generation
Join us as we, Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice and Co-Host Evangelist Linda Coleman, get up close and personal with various music ministry artists from all over the world.
Please go like and subscribe to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
O Taste & See Thursday's in Da Bishop's Corner
Come on in and join myself Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice, my Co-Host Apostle Kathy Gardner, and a surprising host of believers as we discuss the awesomeness of serving God the Father and his darling son Jesus The Christ. Come on and participate as we invite the holy spirit onto this platform. Please go like and subscribe also to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
O Taste And See Thursdays! Tune in today and be blessed with the musical sounds of Gospel Legends both living and non living. Then join in on the discussions about our Lord and Savior in Da Bishop's Corner! Go to bit.ly/romeoradio
O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8 KJV#otasteandsee #dabishopscorner #gospellegends #otasteandseethursday #YourFavoriteDJ #DJRejoice #djandradiohost #radiopersonality #mobiledj #internetradio #internetradiostation #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportsmallbusinessowners #supportsmallbusinesses #givingittoyoulikeyouwant #makingyoufeellikeyouneed #therehearsalroom #dabishopscorner #goodreads #noweaponformedagainstmeshallprosper #blessedmanofgod #healthymanofgod #fbclubromeosexclusiveradiostation #igclubromeosexclusive #AnointedAndAppointedmusicandtalkradio
O Taste And See Thursdays! Tune in today and be blessed with the musical sounds of Gospel Legends both living and non living. Then join in on the discussions about our Lord and Savior in Da Bishop's Corner! Go to bit.ly/romeoradio
O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8 KJV#otasteandsee #dabishopscorner #gospellegends #otasteandseethursday #YourFavoriteDJ #DJRejoice #djandradiohost #radiopersonality #mobiledj #internetradio #internetradiostation #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportsmallbusinessowners #supportsmallbusinesses #givingittoyoulikeyouwant #makingyoufeellikeyouneed #therehearsalroom #dabishopscorner #goodreads #noweaponformedagainstmeshallprosper #blessedmanofgod #healthymanofgod #fbclubromeosexclusiveradiostation #igclubromeosexclusive #AnointedAndAppointedmusicandtalkradio
Quartet Tuesdays in The Rehearsal Room w/ Rev. Ray Oliver & New Season
Join us as we, Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice and Co-Host Evangelist Linda Coleman, get up close and personal with various music ministry artists from all over the world.
Please go like and subscribe to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
O Taste & See Thursday's in Da Bishop's Corner
Come on in and join myself Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice, my Co-Host Apostle Kathy Gardner, and a surprising host of believers as we discuss the awesomeness of serving God the Father and his darling son Jesus The Christ. Come on and participate as we invite the holy spirit onto this platform. Please go like and subscribe also to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424
O Taste And See Thursdays! Tune in today and be blessed with the musical sounds of Gospel Legends both living and non living. Then join in on the discussions about our Lord and Savior in Da Bishop's Corner! Go to bit.ly/romeoradio
O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8 KJV#otasteandsee #dabishopscorner #gospellegends #otasteandseethursday #YourFavoriteDJ #DJRejoice #djandradiohost #radiopersonality #mobiledj #internetradio #internetradiostation #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportsmallbusinessowners #supportsmallbusinesses #givingittoyoulikeyouwant #makingyoufeellikeyouneed #therehearsalroom #dabishopscorner #goodreads #noweaponformedagainstmeshallprosper #blessedmanofgod #healthymanofgod #fbclubromeosexclusiveradiostation #igclubromeosexclusive #AnointedAndAppointedmusicandtalkradio
Quartet Tuesdays in The Rehearsal Room w/ Stephen King
Join us as we, Minister Kevin Coleman aka DJ Rejoice and Co-Host Evangelist Linda Coleman, get up close and personal with various music ministry artists from all over the world.
Please go like and subscribe to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@djrejoice4
Also tune in via radio at bit.ly/romeoradio or log onto christreallyexist.com for even more content.
� New to streaming or looking to level up? Check out StreamYard and get $10 discount! � https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6137768115175424