Finishing a delicious pot of Arroz con Pollo at @eatthistv Studios in NYC. Coming soon, Season 1, 12-episodes of Steve Cooks Stuff dropping Primetime weekly! #tvchef #TheSignatureDish #privatechef #privateparties #privateevents @lodgecastiron
Plating up some Arroz con Pollo with Fresh Avocado and Lime Crema at @eatthistv in #newyork @steve.cooksstuff #privatechef #privateparties #privateevents #arrozconpollo #tvchef #lodgecastiron
How about some Fried Plantains with Sea Salt and Lime? Check out the full episode on @eatthistv at @steve.cooksstuff #TheSignatureDish #privatechef #privateparties #privateevents #tvchef #friedplantains #letmecookforyou
Beer and Wine will be just fine! Adding both to my sofrito base for a Cuban style Arroz con Pollo! Watch the full episode at #privateparties #privateevents #thesignaturedish #YeahICookedThat @modelousa
Whipping up a Pina Colada Cobbler on @eatthistv during my pilot episode! Season 1 (12-episodes) now in production, watch the whole pilot and message me about sponsorship and product placement collaborations! #stevecooksstuff #privatechef #privateparties #eatthistv #tvchef #pinacolladacobbler #pinacolada
When @lodgecastiron and @kindersflavors Buffalo Blend collide for a delicious breakfast hash with Potatoes, Onions, Peppers and Spinach you know it's gonna be a great day! @steve.cooksstuff #TheSignatureDish #privatechef #privateevents #privateparties #YeahICookedThat #breakfasthash
Chicken Enchiladas with Black Beans and Rice @steve.cooksstuff #TheSignatureDish #privatechef #privateparties #privateevents #enchiladas #letmecookforyou
What have you cooked this holiday season? Steve Cooks Stuff is available for your private parties and events! #privatechef #privateparties #catering #delicious #privateevents
A collection of recent dishes for your eyes to feast upon...Now booking private dinners, parties and events! Http://
An assortment of recent dishes from @steve.cooksstuff to tantalize your taste buds. #privatechef #privateevents #privateparties #letmecookforyou #letseat