Only now, after the property was auctioned off last month, is the former owner, MARTIN TAYLOR, offering $ to residents that will now be forced to move because he never thought to acquire permits for dwelling.
Martin had years of time and the funds to legitimize the property and his position as a housing provider. Instead, he dumped outrageous amounts of $ into substandard construction without proper permits while forcing workers to urinate in bottles, not allowing use of the 4 bathrooms during the pandemic.
Any tenant willing to take the insulting offer of $5000 is short sighted. That will barely cover entry costs into a new place. Every tenant he collected rent from w/ out necessary rental permits to do so can demand reimbursement based on the habitability violations and Civil tenant protections he ignored that the City of Oakland has issued him citations to fix and fines for neglecting to do so upon their follow up inspection in February.
Oh wait, best part is… he didn’t offer anything to the lower income tenants still there. Not surprising for anyone who knows how incredibly inconsiderate and malicious Martin Taylor’s lack of basic landlording skillset truly is.
So far, 1 plaintiff, 11 counts filed in a complaint which is requesting a jury trial set for court in October.
Keep your eyes peeled for the news article that will be published about this awful landlord that thought he could get over on Oakland building inspectors.