There are so many reasons for me to be grateful in this life. It’s easy to take them for granted. These are a few photos of humans I’m privileged to have in my life. I’ve had losses and successes but usually focus on my short comings more than anything.
But if you’re reading this you’re more than likely someone who has helped me to celebrate myself. So thank you From the bottom of my heart. I try to show my love for my friends/ family in how I live my life but at times I don’t feel like it’s enough.
My success is not just my own but also yours for supporting me in my career endeavors , dealing with my high key emotional cancer energy. For letting me feed you even when your not hungry or testing a recipe that doesn’t hit the mark allowing me to fail to be better tomorrow.
For my middle/high school humans who helped me to still be on this plane of existence when it’s the last thing I wanted.
To my teachers who gave me opportunities and believed in me not just that day but who I’ll be in 5,10,50 years from now.
My life is built of the struggles and effort I put in yes. But it was not without a village behind me pushing me the whole way.
Even the new humans In my life have helped me to build more trust in myself. I’ve built More confidence in who I can and will be.
I never thought I’d make it to 22 let alone have my own apartment, be working in the line of work I love,as a sous chef none the less. But still be growing every day. This life I have really is something. It’s never gonna be easy but appreciating what I have and what will come from my struggles really helps to make each day better.