I offer no apology for what I am posting, for this is truly how I feel. Please know this is my opinion and not open for debate. If you don't agree, that's your prerogative but I will not be responding to any or all comments. I have lived through Ten United States Presidents prior to our current President Trump. In my lifetime I have never seen or heard of a President being scrutinized over every word he speaks, demeaned by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied to, threatened with death, threatened by some to r**e our First Lady, and have his children also insulted and humiliated.
I am truly ashamed of the people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, insufferable, cruel, Trump haters who have no morals, ethics or values and the irresponsibility of the reporters who feel they have the right to deliver personal opinions just to sway their audiences in a negative direction even if there is no truth in their message. After every other President was elected and took the oath of office they were allowed to try to serve this country without constant negative scrutiny from our news sources. ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED while news sources search only for negative results from our President will not serve the people of our country. Nor will it create informed Americans. ENOUGH is ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
If you disagree ignore this message. If you agree, copy and paste this to your timeline and put your name under the last name:
Susan Whitehead
Kimbrell Lindsey
John Fitzgerald
Susan Jackson
Tim Gulledge
Kevin Peterson
Howard Marquier
Rodney Berryhill
Derek Cook
Wayne Massey II
Woody Scheer
Clay Elrod
Faith Carney
Heather Nicole
Joe Foy Sr.
Bill Short
David Reid
Joyce Spence
Karen Kennedy.
Mary Murphy Finch.
Daniel Bennett
Daryl Rodriguez
Mary Hullen
David Flickinger
JW Gooding
Laura Philyaw ....
Judy. Westerfield
Vickie Criddle
Lewana Rollin
Rickey Cross
Kathy Clark Purvis
Sara J Clark.
David Bozeman
Deborah Griffin Swain
Karon Alice Stuart.
Ken Murphy
Harold Hicks
Linda Maxwell, Louisiana
Sue Eznack, Louisiana
Letty Butter
Pam Rounds
Lisha Stinson
Dale Walker, Louisiana
Gary Dauzat, Oklahoma
Ben (Max) Maxwell, Florida
Joe Bond, Texas
Michael Ricketts, Michigan
Al Levin New York.
Donald schilt N.Y.
Joey Dee N.Y.
John Nicosia N.Y.
Christopher Biancaniello NY
Vickie Albrizio Paladino NY
Lisa Sturgeon
Bill Ehman Montana
Amy Patterson mesquite nv
Gina Curtis Arkansas
Donna Hudson
Ashley Bowren - AR
Tanya Frazier
Anita Pyle
Bobbi Huckaby
Martha Hill Schonherr
Brandy Robinson
Chuck Maze
Sandy Sawatzky (Az)
Debra Stiles Whetzel (AZ)
Sheila Hager (FL)
Louis Ross
Tim Clinger
Dan Griessmann(Oh)
Jonathan Jackson (OH)
Robert Vaughn (S.C.)
Barbara Milford (Ga.)
Billy Waters
Dianne Waters
Rhonda Taylor, Ga.
Linda Causey (Ga)
Dawn Meeks (GA)
Etta Wildes [GA]
Martha Hawkins Mercer (GA)
Gail Lawrence, GA
Rainey Owen (GA)
Jerry Heath (GA)
Applis Goolsby (GA)
William Eagan (Fl)
Rachel Dickinson (FL)
Charles Dickinson (FL)
Sandy Lucas (FL)
Tammy Clayton (FL)
Wendy Aue (FL)
Mary Avinon (TX)
Jeffrey Avinon(TX)
Tina Page (FL)
Brigitte Fine’ (FL)
Luis Alvarez (FL)
Garrett Phillips (FL)
Jack Murphy (IL)
Michael Blanton ( NC)
Terri Williams (NC)
Brenda Masey (NC)
Janet Honeycutt (NC)
Keith Honeycutt (NC)
Rebecca and Webb Hunt (NC)
Arnold and Beth Becker (SC)
Barry Hanselman (FL)
Bill Vinyard (FL)
Jeff Stone (FL)
Laura Boerstler Stone (FL)