All of these albums have two things in common. First, they are all absolutely great albums that have withstood the test of time – created by great bands at the peak of their power. Second, they are sonically extraordinary – they were recorded and engineered by people who knew what music should sound like when played back. These are albums that played a significant part in our lives. They were the
soundtrack to a time when life wasn’t so demanding, when we made the friendships and the memories that we still treasure today. You can capture that feeling again. Except this time it’s not the scratchy albums that you used to toss around your apartment, or crappy mp3s. Now you can kick back and listen to your favorite music in a comfortable environment, played through state-of-the-art audio equipment, professionally set-up and digitally optimized for the room. You’ll hear crystal clear, three-dimensional sound, with gut thumping bass. The music you love – Like you’ve never heard it before. Like this page and you'll get updates on locations and dates near you, grab a few of your friends and relive the good times. Or have us play at a place of your choosing. We’re available for all types of functions and events. Tell us your favorite album – the odds are we already have it – if not we’ll get it! We are happy to tailor the music to your tastes. You’ll listen to pristine copies of audiophile album pressing, plus an enormous library of songs from the 60’s through today, available on-demand via computer playing high-resolution digital files.