A WERKshop Farewell:
In 2015, The WERKshop OKC was born out of love of the pro dance community and a passion to empower dancers to chase their dreams. Over the years we have continued to pivot and evolve into an empowerment brand that has been a catalyst for more than we could have ever imagined. How great it is to have created something so magical that it is so hard to say goodbye. And maybe it’s not a goodbye, simply a see you on the other side.
We would like to thank every single person that has ever supported our small business! Thank you to our families and friends that continuously poured love, blood, sweat and tears into projects that brought our visions to life.
As we set intentions for the New Year, we can only imagine what beautiful journeys lie ahead. We love you all immensely ❤️ Cheers to the New Year 💋
-LT & Shonna