Well this happened in early April. If you have Spectrum internet/TV you'll be able to see this through June.
2022 BBQ Sauce Competition
Great news to share. I entered the 2022 American Royal Association BBQ Sauce Competition
The sauce categories are tomato (base) mild, tomato hot, vinegar, mustard & specialty. I entered my Smokeydopalicious sauce into the 'tomato mild' category. After about a month of waiting, the results were posted yesterday. In the 'tomato mild' category there were 136 entries. Many from teams/companies you're VERY familiar with. In his very first competition, your boy walked away with...(drumroll)
16TH PLACE!!!!!!!
Three perfect scores (36pts) and three non-perfect scores (looking at you judges 2, 5 & 6 👀🧐😒...pffft)
But it's not over yet. There is a '2022 Best Sauce on the Planet Overall Results'.....(PLANET, people...P.L.A.N.E.T...BEST👏🏽SAUCE👏🏽ON👏🏽THE👏🏽PLANET👏🏽...) This combines all the entries from the various categories, compares the scores and ranks them. This year, out of 370 entries, (rubbing fingernails on custom Smokey By Nature shirt), I snuck in at...
40!!!!!!! That's right, 40th place. Out of 370! And next year I'll be entering the 'tomato hot' category too
Now on to the thank you's (it suddenly got dusty in this room, need a box of tissues). I really hope I don't forget anyone, but these are just a few of the people that supported me, gave feedback, pushed me to take uncomfortable risks, and continued to encourage me. My mom, dad, sister my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, @aidaagf @estuardokc @theblackpantry @kcblackowned @jyoungcreative @madeinkc_ @kinshipcafe.kc @cheferrey TacoNaco KC Dialectic Engineering @dialecticeng @blackdripcoffeekc @bigmoodnaturalwines @justbreatheforkids @oddly @flyinghorsetaproom @spicymoonfoods
@feastmag @cafecaphe @l_quick and the many others who helped spread the word about my meats/sauce and returned again and again to purchase. Can't thank you enough.
If you want me in a store near you (shameless plug), maybe tag this post with the store you like to frequent, or you can buy directly
Rubbin' brisket. #smokedmeatshooray
You down with O.P.P? What? That stands for "Outstanding Pulled Pork". What else could it mean???