I wanted to apologize for completely disappearing!
most on this page are friends and family, but for the few that’s arnt, or maybe missed the update: life’s been an absolute mess since Christmas, if it hasn’t been one thing it’s another, but mainly: Dustin has been in and out of hospital, doctors, neurologists, cognitive therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy all for just more rounds of questions. It’s acting like MS, but not all the markers for MS are there so we are waiting for specialist in Seattle now. And just as he was starting to feel better he’s now having another flare up (thankfully we caught it on an MRI at the start and middle with how many they have him taking)
Plus we had 2 senior dogs in the house that have not been doing well and required a lot of care for simple tasks. Unfortunately we said goodbye to trooper on 18th of last month and we don’t know how many days are left with Milo.
All that to say: I havnt touched clay/ jewelry for months. we havnt had many days without an appointment and there just wasn’t much time to juggle it all. Thankfully (even though he is currently in a flare up) he is feeling and doing so much better, so hopefully I will be back posting all kinds of fun creations soon. Anything in particular you’d like to see?
Plus, meet Pancake 🥞 our newest Fur baby!