Very important!!! Please read and share it all over. Imaging if there is no music, or dance, or theater or beautiful visual arts to enjoy or literature. Recently my mom has been in the hospital and I am the designated one to be with her every day. Even though I know how important it is to get better and how great the science is, I get truly stressed being in the hospital with her. I come home to a fast shower, do some shores and get back to the hospital to be with her, but before I get back, I remember my oxygen, that keeps me sane, and practice a piece at least 30 minutes and let me tell you, that, is my oxygen that keeps me going. I also play some light classics on the phone for my mom so she won’t stress either. Thank you!
Since 2007, Fire Haus Projects has continually been dedicated to presenting the highest quality live concerts, dance performances, art exhibitions, workshops, lectures and informal talks. In 2020, online programs have greatly expanded our organization's content and reach.