We will be back at it on Saturday at the Carbon Event Center helping to raise some much need money to help this young lady who was diagnosed with Cancer!!! If you are able and willing to come out and help one of community members please do!!! They have alot plan and alot of raffles from our Awesome Business in Carbon and Emery County!!!
We will bring a full menu to fill your hungry stomach. We will be donating all proceeds to this young lady and her family!!!
If you want to attend this awesome event please RSVP so we can bring enough food!!!
As we get ready to ring in the New Year I can't help to think how thankful we are for everyone that has supported us and our little business this last year. This last year we had our ups and downs. We started out just a few years ago as a hobby and now we are running a small business. We knew nothing about running a business, but from the support of our Awesome Customers you gave us grace and allowed us to grow and learn. We can not Thank you all enough!!!
Some exciting news for 2024 is we are fortunate of our church family that they are going to let us lease a piece of the property to put a building on. So in a few months we will have a building!!! We won't be offering in house dining but we will be able to offer more for people wanting to pick up dinners. The building will be located in Huntington across the street from pop central!!! We are hoping to grow our team to be able to offer more to our community. This last year started out with a bunch of pop ups but we quickly turned into more of a catering business. We would love to be able to serve those in need of catering and also do pop ups. So we will be trying to figure it all out in the next few months.
I want to also give Thanks to the best team a small business can have. My team has given up alot of their personal time to be there for us!!! It means so much to us that one might give their time to make sure we are moving forward with our needs. We love each of you and look forward to another great year on the hot box.
Once again we want to Thank each and everyone of you who stopped at our food truck this past year. We want to Thank everyone who hired us for private events, and those companies that hired us to cater a party for them!!! We look forward to 2024 and all that it brings.
Happy New Years!!!!!
It's going down this afternoon in Cleveland come grab you some delicious brisket!!! 3pm @ Cleveland Elementary!!!
The 8th graders at Canyon View are doing thier Dutch oven cook off. Come support our local youth as they cook some yummy dishes. Serving starts at 11.
Brisket looking delicious!!! Come grab some tonight in Huntington!!! All proceeds going to Kenden Huff to help with the cost to travel back and forth for chemo treatments!!!
Mmmmm delicious!!!!! 😋 New Spicy Apple rub on these bad boys!!!
Table Give Away for Fierce Fights July 8th @ Carbon Event Center!!! Winner will be Called!!!
Our Menu for Ferron and Price!!!
Ferron 2/23/23 City Park 5pm to 9pm or sold out!!
Price 2/24/23 Cns Parking Lot!!
Next to Monster Wash and Chugg 5pm to 9pm or sold Out!!!!
We will not have Drinks available at these events!!!
Progress video!!! Looking delicious and on point. Time to rotate and continue letting them get happy!!!
The Start of a long night!!! Someone will be eating good tomorrow!!!!!
A couple 25lb Yard Hustlers getting a tan!!!