Fairytale Enchantment Events

Fairytale Enchantment Events Welcome to your one stop shop for the sweetest fairytale enchantments! I hope to meet you soon! :) Each princess would also choose a lovely face gem to wear!

Dear Royal Family Member,

If you select me as your princess' fairy godmother, I would arrive at your home or resort and perform hairstyles for the children—beautifully suited for a true princess, complete with pixie dust and a sparkling tiara! I would also give each princess a dash of eyeshadow, a pinch of blush, a glimmer of lip gloss, & a hint of shimmering fairy dust nail polish. To top things

off, the princess will receive a goody bag with their comb, an extra face gem, & their own eye shadow pallet. Throughout the experience, I will tell stories of my adventures of living in Mystic Waters and all of the lessons I've learned so far as a fairy godmother. I may even include a princess etiquette lesson…and a coronation ceremony! For any little gentlemen that may be interested in participating, I would include swords, shields, either a dragon tail spiked knight or charming prince hairstyle, gold dust from the King’s treasure box, & they will be officially sworn in as “noble knights” of their royal realm! The cost per child is $100 (for groups five or more, pricing may be negotiable). A deposit of $30 per child will be due via Venmo (-Potter-3) at the time of booking. This will serve as booking confirmation. Orders will be placed for all of the royal goodies once the payment has been received…the final balance will not be collected until the time of my visit. :)

When you have your preferred dates/times and package(s) in mind, please visit the “Book Now” tab to submit your booking request. When you create the appointment request you will may select multiple packages from the drop-down menu (Enchanting Princess, Noble Knight, and/or Keeper of the Treasure). However, if you would like to select the same package for multiple children, please include the details and desired packages/hairstyles for each child in the dialogue box labeled, “Appointment Notes". When selecting your appointment time, please keep in mind that one princess pampering experience lasts for one hour, and each additional child (whether girl or boy) will be an extra 30 minutes to the experience. If only boys are participating (no princesses), the experience will last 30 minutes per child. If your booking request is granted (based on availability), I will make adjustments on my end to ensure that all of the details are secured for your little ones' special day! In summary, your request form should include your desired date and time, package selection(s), number of children (whether girl and/or boy), the first name and age of each child, & where you will be staying! :)I look forward to viewing your request and, hopefully, granting your royal wishes! Thanks again for allowing me this honor!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet royal families!!I hope you’ll invite me to your next special occasion!! 🥰 Message me to ...

Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet royal families!!

I hope you’ll invite me to your next special occasion!! 🥰 Message me to inquire and book today!! 💌🫶🏼🧚🏼‍♀️

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 💖


Attention royal families!! :)

With spring break around the corner, I wanted to invite those of you coming to the Disney area to consider booking me as your children’s fairy godmother! I actually have a few dates available towards the end of this month, & there’s still some flexibility in March!! Feel free to check out my services and reviews via or message me for more details!! Thanks, friends!!


I pause this week from posting about my fairy godmother adventures to share a beautiful, very real gift...it's free for all who choose to believe. :)

Because of the perfect love of Jesus, He willingly gave His life to make a way for us to know Him intimately. Sin created distance from humans and their Maker, distance He never desired us to keep. But, because of the tarnish and blemish of sin, humans become unable to face the glory and purity of God...because His light consumed any and all forms of darkness. He did this for the protection of mankind, specifically His chosen nation, and continued to provide them with ways to connect with Him. Even still, He desired closeness to the ones He formed and loved. The heart of God was grieved by the sin and darkness that humans continually chose over a relationship with Him, and yet He sent Jesus into the world. Fully God, fully man. Perfection wrapped in the imperfect human condition. He endured every hardship--grief, rejection, physical pain, hunger, thirst, temptation, and slander...but, He never wavered. He was the Word of God made flesh. He came to teach the Truth, demonstrate how we were designed to live and fellowship with God and others...and, ultimately, He laid down His life to spare ours. He, the innocent, Holy One, took on every single ounce of accusation, shame, and suffering on account of our sin (both past, present and future). His life for ours. His blood paid the ransom. He stood in our place, and now--when God looks on us, specifically those who believe, He sees His perfect, spotless Son. We were created in the image of God in the beginning and, because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are now restored to that image. & His mercies are new every single morning. I can't get over how beautiful of a reality this is. This is not just for some people--He came so that no one should perish. So, the gift is most certainly for each and every one of you. The question is, will you open the gift so beautifully wrapped and placed before you? Whether you are a person of Christian faith or not, I encourage you to read the story of Christ's final days on earth (the Book of John is an incredible read). Discover for yourself what the true origins of Easter are. Who knows what you might find. :)

The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.They took palm ...

The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:
“Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.”

At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.

Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word.

Many people, because they had heard that he had performed this sign, went out to meet him.

So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!” (John 12:12-19)

And, friends, people from all over the world are still going after Him! :) He was and is and forever will be the Savior! Today is the day we get to celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem...the place He would be crucified and resurrected shortly after. He alone loves unconditionally and has indescribable mercy for ANYONE who calls on Him in faith. This day is a day of great hope and somber remembrance. Our God did not leave us to wander through life on our own...He sent humble, gracious, perfect Jesus to bridge the gap between us and our Maker that our sin had made. He is THE king! :) So, let's grab some branches today hehe, sing a song of praise, or just take a moment to imagine what it might have been like to see Him riding into the city for that epic, WORLD-changing string of events that follow!! :) ...Oh, and He is soon coming again for His triumphant second coming!

HomeComing is a 7-week journey through the story of the Bible tracing God’s purposes to bring heaven and earth together, completed in the new Heaven and new Earth through the redemptive work of Jesus. Every week we’ll anticipate and explore that great day when God’s dwelling place is with man;...


Just wanted to let you know that there are still some spots available for Valentine’s week! Looking forward to primping your princess! 💘☺️🫶🏼✨🧚🏼‍♀️

Hello royal families! 💌Interested in treating your sweet little Valentines to the royal treatment? If so, I have some re...

Hello royal families! 💌
Interested in treating your sweet little Valentines to the royal treatment? If so, I have some remaining availability for the week of Valentine's Day! I'd be delighted to grant your wish! Please PM me to check for remaining dates/times...just say "BE MINE" and I'll happily become your child's fairy godmother! Hehe can't wait to make a magical memory for your little ladies and gents! 💘

*Just a reminder that I offer lovely "enchanting princess" pampering sessions for the sweet little ladies and a two really dashing options for the little lads of the crew ("noble knight" or "keeper of the treasure"). Check the "Services" tab for more info!*

“For to us a child is born,    to us a son is given;and the government shall be upon his shoulder,    and his name shall...

“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6

Merry Christmas, royal families!
May we all take time to observe and reflect on the one, true reason for the season. Tonight and tomorrow we celebrate the fulfilled promise of our Messiah! On this night, over two thousand years ago, the earth was bursting with hope and great expectation. What a joyful reality we get to acknowledge—God, humbled Himself to the ultimate degree. He sent His Holy, precious, perfect Son to be born in a lowly stable. He experienced everything we experience—the sting of loss, the heartache of betrayal, rejection, temptation, and ultimately death…but this wasn’t just a natural death. This was a criminal’s death—our death. The innocent child that was sent to us, both fully God and fully man, grew up to change the world with the Truth and transform the human heart with His radical, limitless love. But, His work didn’t end with His death…for He arose on the third day, forever conquering death, the grave, and our enemy! This miraculous gift became our bridge to the Father forever. Because of Jesus Christ, we now have the opportunity to choose life, to experience wondrous intimacy of heart with our Maker, and to burst once again with the hope of being reunited with our Savior!

No matter what your story is, where you come from, or what you believe—I do hope you will consider reading the wonderful story of Jesus, beginning with His unusual, miraculous birth. :) He came for each and every one of us so that we could step into freedom, experience peace in any circumstance, and have joy as our strength…so that we could come to believe that we are fully seen and fully loved by God.

&, Do you want to know what I love most about this story? It’s no fairytale! :)

May you all experience great joy this Christmas, knowing that you were chosen and that you are deeply loved and treasured!!

Many blessings,
Fairy Christal


Hello dear friends!


Hello royal friends!! :)

I just wanted to let you know some exciting news!! I have a number of appointments available for the morning and early afternoon tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (7/20-7/23)! :) I'd be so delighted to help you pull off a magical surprise for your littles! Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message for details! Due to the short notice, however, the only hairstyles offered are Classic Princess (the bun) and Candy Princess (the colorful ponytail). :) Let's make some magic happen!

Yours Truly,
Fairy Christal

"Walk with kindness, walk with grace, and forever a princess you will reign."

"Walk with kindness, walk with grace, and forever a princess you will reign."


Oh, don't mind me, friends! I'm just a very grateful fairy, reminiscing over some of the most special visits I've had with princesses, princes, and "treasure keepers" over the last couple of years! 🥰🧚 These are just a few of the precious little ones I've been blessed to meet and treat to a fairytale enchantment! For all of the royal families who have welcomed me, I extend my sincerest thanks. My heart is so glad, and I count myself so blessed by the Lord to have set me on this journey of sharing His joy with others! I feel that there are many more adventures to come. 💖

P.S. if your sweet little royal isn't featured in this video, please know that I would feature everyone if I could! Also, I plan to share a more recent one in the coming months. 😍✨ Sending fairy hugs your way!


Hello royal friends!

I hope you’re having a blessed and joy-filled week! :)

I want to invite you to try out my “Book Now” button on my homepage! Dates in the month of May and early June are now available for booking!


Hello dear friends!

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I will be away from my fairy cottage until Monday evening, observing and celebrating the wonder of Easter with my family. :) Thank you so much for your patience! I'll touch base with all of my scheduled royal families soon, and I'll also be reviewing all of the booking requests!

Hello royal families & happy new year!!

Hello royal families & happy new year!!

Merry Christmas dear friends and royal families!! ❤️ I just wanted to send you a holiday greeting to tell you how thankf...

Merry Christmas dear friends and royal families!! ❤️ I just wanted to send you a holiday greeting to tell you how thankful I am for all of the sweet invitations to visit your little ones this year. ☺️👑 I have enjoyed every princess pampering season, knighting ceremony, & pirate adventure. Thank you for allowing me the honor to share what I love with your family, in hopes that I can help you create a special memory to cherish forever always. 💌 I also hope that as I’ve traveled from family to family that your little ladies and gents have been encouraged to see their inner beauty, special talents, and to live courageously with joy for the future! ✨ What a gift it is to be their fairy godmother! 🧚🏼‍♀️

I also wanted to let you know that I’ll be away from my cottage for the next few days to celebrate Christmas with my family. 🎄 Here’s to caroling 🎶, reindeer games 🦌, & baking treats in honor of King Jesus’ birthday hehe! 🙏🏼🥰 I’ll be back very soon to check my fairy mail though! I can’t wait to plan all the fun visits for 2022 with you! 🤩🎊

**If you and I have recently discussed a date/time but have yet to confirm, please rest assured that I have placed a temporary “freeze” on that time for you. Once I return we will confirm if you so choose. ☺️

**If you have already reserved your spot, rest assured that you will not lose it. Everything is locked in, but I’ll be sure to answer any questions you may have once I return. 😍

I wish it were possible to send you all a gift this season, but instead I want to share with you these four gifts…all of which came into the world on Christmas thousands of years ago. 🌟 Jesus, Light of the World, stepped down from His heavenly home and into a dark world in order to give us everlasting hope, inexplicable joy, sustaining peace, and unconditional love. It is my prayer that you all get to experience these gifts this season, the coming new year, and your journeys to come! 🎁

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” ~ Isaiah 9:6 🕊

Sending much love to you and yours this holiday season!! Please hug your little ones for me! Talk with you soon! 🤗

With merriment and cheer,
Fairy Christal ❄️

(P.S. Thank you Mosaic Church for the beautiful advent photos 💚)

A VERY MERRY DECEMBER TO YOU! It’s officially the Christmas season (however, the fairies of Mystic Waters have been cele...

A VERY MERRY DECEMBER TO YOU! It’s officially the Christmas season (however, the fairies of Mystic Waters have been celebrating for weeks already hehe 😄🧚🏼‍♀️🎄). How many of you have had your Christmas tree up since the first week of November lol?! Anyways, we are so very excited to visit you all this month!! Here’s to a month filled with giggles and glee! Looking forward to visiting you soon! 😍🙏🏼🎉

What’s your favorite part of this season? 🥰


Hello dear royal families!

It's me, Fairy Christal, posting just to tell you how truly THANKFUL I am to have the pleasure of visiting so many of you! Thank you for your continued support & encouragement. I hope you all know how grateful I am to be invited to share in the making of your special memories! It is my sincere hope that you all have the sweetest Thanksgiving season you have ever had...surrounded by the people you love. I know that the past couple of years have been challenging to say the least, but there is always something to be thankful for. ❤ I hope you are able to fix your thoughts on the blessings you have been given! I know I will this week--and YOU are one of those many blessings! Take care, God bless, and happy Thanksgiving! Sending warm fairy hugs your way! 🙂

Here is my gift to you...a verse from my favorite book to encourage you:
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." -Colossians 3:15-17 🙂

P.S. I will be away from my fairy cottage until Monday. I look forward to speaking with you once I return! 💌🥰


Hello everyone!! ...Do you hear that?? It's not just a fairy jingling about!

Hello my dear friends!!

Hello my dear friends!!


Orlando, FL



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