Hello! Many people have been calling, thank God, about DMFont Events and I believe it's time to let you all know what I'm up to.
I am grateful for the outpour of support and honored to be hearing from so many people because repeat business is a true sign of customer satisfaction.
Covid has changed the world and workforce in an incredible manner. Baby boomers are retiring and Millenials are taking their places.... God help us!
I have had the pleasure of sitting on the Board of Director for Visit Orlando for a few years now and recently became a member of the Orange County Disability Advisory Board, which is moving me to the next phase of my life.... advocacy. Being a full time Caregiver to 2 previously healthy normal people has shown me first hand how terrible it is to age or become disabled in Florida. What I've been seeing and researching is terrible and we ALL age and we don't know when an accident can happen that will change our lives either temporarily or permanently. This transcends those groups that don't wish to be segregated against, but already segregate themselves because we ALL age and an accident can happen at any time to any one. Caring for a retiree and formerly healthy veteran has shown me a side to the government that is broken. I can stay be silent when there is such an injustice out there and mistreatment at facilities that are supposed to be caring for their residents. We are NOT worthless when we retire and non U.S. Citizens are being treated better than those who have or continue to pay taxes.
Sorry, I get carried away on this subject, which is why I've adopted it. Government needs to see that not all retirees can live in the Villages.
If you need help with an event, please call my cell 407-758-8283 as the web site has been shut off already.
I will continue to post our new endeavors on this page. These issues affect us ALL, including those segregated groups that segregate themselves.
I want to thank everyone who has shown loyalty to DMFont Events and have entrusted us with so many wonderful celebrations as well as allowing us to meet such wonderful people in the community. We are still here, just throwing efforts at advocacy to insure we are not thrown into a corner when we "retirement" or become disabled.
God bless and keep in touch!