First movement test of a new tool in the shop... We are calling it a "Wide Format" Laser Cutter. It measure nearly 5ft x 18ft.
Synchronized Kite Flying at Cedar Point! Making it happen. Kite Team Pilots make it look easy, but are really moving to keep everything synchronized.
#kiteman #kites #cedarpoint #boardwalknightscp
Amazing Kiteman Group kite team performing in a 0-3mph wind at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio. We are super impressed by skill of these kite pilots!
This was the entrance to Wallaby Ranch decorated with 76 feather banners for all of the years of Bruce Flora life. We gathered today to have a great Celebration of Life that we dubbed "Soaring with Bruce"... we are so grateful that so many people showed up to tell stories, fly kites and helped us celebrate our dear friend. Bruce's ashes were spread in the most Kiteman way, via his son Jonny flying in a hanglider! Bruce's contribution to the world just can't be expressed by words. We will miss him, but his legacy will live for a very long time. (Don't worry, the video was sped up 2x. I wasn't really riding that fast)
We want to thank the kite teams (QuadFX, Quantum, Lisa Willoughby and Cassie Shook) at the Cocoa Beach Kite Festival for honoring Bruce Flora with a special formation at the end of the day. It was very special and a fitting end to the festival. Thank you!
Kiteman Feather Banners setup at the Cocoa Beach Kite Festival.