Is anybody talking about COViD-19anymore? What's happened to it? Not since the fake media has been exposed for all their lies, lies, lies and people have died, died, and are still dyng, do you ever hear hardly anything about it anymore. Remember when they told you that you WOULD NOT DiE if you took the shot? Not only have people, and even celebrities promoting the shots, died, more people who are vaccinated get COVID,and children have been dropping dead from heart attacks since the shots. Do you hear about that in the fake media, folks????? Why not???? It's silent now.
Since it's come out that more people that catch TheVirus are the vaccinated rather than the unvaccinated, and that the vaccinated have died more than the unvaccinated, the fake media and even Biden, who said he was "losing his patience" with the unvaccinated have shut up. Instead, they're threatening us with new diseases now--stronger and more deadlier than the last. But that's because they PLAN this stuff, folks, and concoct their deadly formulas in places like Rocky Mount, NC, Wuhan, China and Ukraine (which is one reason why Biden has been blowing all of America's money over there.)
Anyway, I thought I'd share this video with you-- a compilation of all the lies the people in the fake media have told, virtually repeating the same lines over and over in unison (which is a prime example of how they all are fed the same lines to tell you by the powers that control them).
"Don't do your own research", they say???? The fake media never does any research. So you have to do your own research in order to access the scientists and doctors the fake media and social media ban and don't want you to hear about. Believe you me, there were a heck of a lot more scientists, doctors and researchers they could have interviewed that were trying to warn the world not to take the vaccines--that they (and anything with mRNA in it) are deadly and that COVID19 was not the threat the govt was telling you it was. It was not much more than a serious flu that was almost 100% survivable--without a vaccine. More people were murdered on respirators than fromCOVID because hospitals were being paid off--over $20,000 for each bogus diagnosis and over $50,000 for each death. DO YOuR OWN RESEArCH and ask the whistleblowers who were working for hospitals during the pandemic of leftist misinformation, murder and mayhem. THEY should be the ones ostracized, made fun of and jailed for lying to you through their teeth--the fake media, Fauci, Bill Gates and the stolen govt. The fake media would have you believe just one doctor (Fauci), the World Health Organization which was headed by a man that wasn't even a doctor and had ruined the medical system in his own country, and Bill Gates, a computer nerd who poses as a fake doctor and is now buying up our farmland to limit our food supply, creating m-RNA ladened fake meat to replace our food supply with and wants to cut off the sun to further destroy our farms and plant life. He's not only tries posing as a fake doctor, but he's wanting to be a mad scientist now. And the fake media eat it all up. That's why you DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, folks!
Reality isn’t what it used to be. It never really was, but that’s another story. This one isn’t about reality per se. It’s about the War on Reality, the one we’re in the middle of, the war that started when the War on Terror was cancelled in the Summer of 2016. It’s actually an extension...