It's not easy to grow old.
you have to get used to it
to walk more slowly,
to say goodbye to who you were
and salute who you've become.
It's hard this to fulfill years,
You have to know how to accept your new face
and walk with pride in your new body
And to be put off shame,
of prejudice and fear that the years give,
and let it happen what has to happen,
and let go whoever has to go,
and let whoever wants to stay stay.
No, this is not easy getting old,
you have to learn not to expect anything from anyone,
walk alone, wake up alone
and not to catch you every morning
the guy you see in the mirror,
and accept that everything is over
and life too,
and know how to say goodbye to those who leave
and remember those who have left,
and cry until it's empty
until it dries inside,
to grow new smiles,
other desires and new desires.
Alexander Jodorowsky