Andrews Auction Service
LOCATED: N8251 Flambeau Rd., Ladysmith, Wis. – Directions: 5 miles East of Ladysmith, Wis. On Hwy. 8 to Co. Hwy. I, Then left or north 4.7 miles to Flambeau Rd., Then right on Flambeau Rd., 4 miles to farm. Watch for signs.
Lucy's Lunch Wagon & Restrooms
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Vernon Sarb Estate, Complete Farm Dispersal !
Sale Order: 9am, Small tools & Antiques----10:30am, Tractors, Farm Equipment, larger items.
TRACTORS / LOADERS / MOUNTED CORN PICKER – Very Well Maintained and Shedded – 1974 John Deere 4030 ds., wf., 3pt., open station w/ canopy top, 18.4x34 rears, & JD 148 loader, 8679 hrs.; 1966 John Deere 4020 ds., wf., 3pt., Power Shift, 20.8x34 rears, Open station, low hours on eng. OH, tach shows 6261 hrs.; 1961 John Deere 2010 ds., wf., 3pt. Utility, 14.9x28 rears, w/ JD front end loader, 7288 hrs.; White 2-135 Field Boss ds., 3pt., Cab, Heat & AC, Duals, 6835 hrs.; 1954 John Deere 50, nf., power steering; Massey Harris 44 w/ New Idea mounted 2-row corn picker. JD push blade for JD 4020 tractor;
DOZER – John Deere 450C ds. Dozer w/ push blade.
HARVEST EQUIPMENT – Gehl 1065 Forage Chopper, Metal Stop, w/ 2R Corn & Hay heads; 2) Rex 18' Chopper Boxes w/ JD rg.; JD 65 Blower; Parke 220 Gravity Box w/ JD rg.; EZ Flow 220 Gravity box w/ rg.; Kewanee 500 50' Hay-Grain elevator, pto; 40' Hay elevator on transports; Home made 16' flat bed trailer; 2) 16' Flat bed wagons w/ rg.; Gehl 2175 9' Haybine; JD 660 Side rake w/ dolly wheel, rubber mount teeth; H&S 7' Hay tedder; John Deere 327 small square baler w/ thrower; 2) Meyer 9' x 18' Steel Kicker racks w/ Gehl & JD rg.; 18' flat bed wagon w/ JD rg.; side rake on steel; JD #8 sickle mower;
PLANTING, TILLAGE & Other EQUIP.---- Case-IH 5100 12' double disc Grain Drill; John Deere 1240 Plateless 4-row corn planter w/ Fert. & Insecticide boxes; Case 4 bottom semi-mount, hyd. Reset Plow; IHC 720 4-18” Auto Reset Semi-mount plow; JD 14' Tandem wheel disk; Glenco 15' Field Digger w/ Remlinger Spike drag harrow; Kovar 3 section 15' spike drag w/ hyd. Lift; Gehl Scavenger II #322 front discharge Manure Spreader; Jamesway 32' Liquid Manure Pump; older Badger manure pump; Gehl 250 Manure spreader; 20' Pintle Hitch flatbed trailer; Small 7' x 5' pintle hitch military dump trailer; JD 3pt. 8' back blade; 3pt. 3 bottom plow; Spike drag sections; Massey Harris tractor parts.
OTHER FARM EQUIP. – Weaverline Agro-matic 424 Hydro stainless feed cart, needs batteries; 4) Sioux round bale feeders; 2) 1200 bushel round wire corn cribs; Poly & galv. water tanks; Poly bottom feeder; 3) Surge floor milker buckets w/ pneumatic pulsators; stainless milk pail w/ lid; Step saver; Rubbermaid milking cart; Surge hanging buckets; Surge Alamo milker pump; Dayton 50KW Surge / 25KW Continuous PTO Generator on trailer; 30+ Steel cattle gates; 20+ Corral gates; 2) Portable 48” barn fans; Fencing supplies incl. Steel T posts; PTO wire winder, wire stretchers, fencer; Semen tank; Stanchions, forks, shovels; Lime spreader; Straw cart; wooden snow fence; Platform scale; Wisconsin 4 cyl. Gas engine; 16' Feed auger; Intek 5.5hp. Transfer water pump w/ hose; Maple syrup making supplies incl. Plastic pails, Metal taps, Milk cans; Chicken brooder; Bee boxes; Plastic barrels; 3) new cow mats; 150 bales of small square straw bales.
Pile of Scrap Metal and Channel Iron
TRUCKS – 1985 Ford F-150 4x4 pick up, manual trans., straight 6 eng., w/ snow plow, 86K miles; 1979 Chevy Bruin Dump Truck, Detroit ds. Engine; Early 1950's Chev Load Master pick up w/ Jammer, not running.; Chev V-8 engine.
XTV, ATV, BOAT, SPORTING , MEAT CUTTING – Mahindra XTV 750-5, side by side w/ dump box, 6365 hrs.; John Deere Buck 500 CVT 4x4, 5953 miles; Smoker Craft 12' aluminum boat w/ Mercury 7.5hp. Motor, trolling motor and trailer; Rods & Reels; Ice Fishing sled / shelter; vintage Johnson boat motor; Butcher Boy 220V single phase Meat Grinder; Butcher Boy Meat Band Saw; Meat tubs; Snow shoes; Game traps; Vexlar underwater camera;
LAWN / GARDEN --- John Deere 314 Lawn tractor; 3pt. Wood splitter w/ power winch; Hand corn planters; Hand grass seeder; ATV sprayer; JD Garden tractor w/ rear tiller; hand lawn & garden tools.
LUMBER / SAWMILL / FIREWOOD – Large quantity of Rough Sawn Lumber incl. Pine, Popple, and various hardwoods, stored inside and air dried, includes 1” & 2” by 16' long; 3-dog PTO stationery saw mill; Mounted buzz rig; 4) Face cord of firewood.
TOOLS – Large anvil; Screw jacks; Pipe threader; Oxy-Acet torch set w/ tanks; Vulcan Commander 225 Welder; Lincoln Idealarc AC / DC arc welder; Craftsman Table saw; Pro-tech Band saw on stand; PowrKraft rolling tool box; Sockets, Wrenches, hand tools of all kinds; Foot operated metal shear; Metal cutting band saw; Table saw / Jointer combination; Come-a-longs; Chains & binders; Portable air compressor; Home Craft bench drill press; Dyna-glo heater, new; DeVilbiss 6.5hp 2600psi pressure washer; Paint shaker; Many More Tools, shed is full !
ANTIQUES / COLLECTIBLES --- 4 Wheel Buggy w/ box; One Horse Cutter; One Horse driving harness; Buckboard seat; Qualified Karr Wood burning kitchen range; International Refrigerator; Coolerator Ice box; Vintage chain saws; Red Wing 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, & 15 gal. Crocks; Western 4 gal. Butter churn crock; Other small crocks; Many canning jars, clear & green; Baby bath tub; Dayton Flyer kids wagon; Delco Battery Service metal sign, hole cut in middle; Dynamite box; Galv. Tubs; Ice Tngs; Cow bells; Pulleys; Rope; Fish spears; Cross cut saws;
More will be found as sheds are emptied !
Vernon Sarb, Estate
N8251 Flambeau Rd., Ladysmith, Wis.
Cash, Check, Credit cards accepted.
No Buyers Fee ! 5.5% sales tax on titled vehicles.
3% convenience fee on Credit Card purchases.
Andrews Auction
Andrews Auction Service
6610 Hwy 53 S.
Eau Claire, Wis. 54701
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers: Jerry Andrews, Lic. # 272.
Aaron Andrews, Lic. #2943; Troy Krueger Lic. #2956
PH: 715-835-0820 or Cell 715-577-0420
EMail: [email protected]
The RIGHT Choice For Your Auction!Andrews Auction Service Jerry Andrews is a knowledgeable, trusted auctioneer with 30+ years of experience in auctions and appraisals. Andrews Auction Services specializes in these auction types: Farm Equipment & Cattle Commercial Equipment & Inventory Real Estate, R...