Our latest Drum Circle in the event in Santa Clara, California, was another of countless diverse activities JOYiZM organizes to bring excitement, social connection, and healthy experiences to members. Look for our next event, where we celebrate Holi on March 11 at noon in San Jose!
Did you know, when it comes to health benefits, tennis might be the single best sport to play on a regular basis? It's also pretty fun! Come play with us—our Saturday & Sunday sessions are beginner-friendly and very laidback. #JOYiZM #moretolife
You can find viable activities away from home, even during times that require social distancing. Stay active, stay healthy, and have some fun! JOYiZM is hosting tennis every weekend. Because there's #moretolife
Developing Explosive Speed & Footwork in Badminton
Lift-Smash Drill ( Part 2)
Lift-Smash Drill (Part 1)
Astronauts playing badminton in Internation Space Station (ISS)