The Caltech Folk Music Society—now the Pasadena Folk Music Society—was started in 1983 by graduate students Brian Toby and Simon Davies. The intent was to bring well-known performers of acoustic music from around the country, and around the world, to play at Caltech for a reasonable price. Long before playing "unplugged" became fashionable, the PFMS began to seek out a wide range of singer-songwri
ters, bluegrass bands, British Isles music, blues, Nueva Cancion, guitarists, and a whole array of other musicians that did not fit well into mainstream musical categories. While some of these performers emphasize elements of "folk tradition," others are boldly innovative and truly unique. Social activism, humor, and compassion are commonly present as well. Most concerts are held in Beckman Institute Auditorium on the Caltech campus. The PFMS is an informal group of students and volunteers from the local community who arrange and publicize these concerts. Money taken in for ticket sales goes toward booking future shows. Volunteers are most welcome, especially students. By the way, all of our concerts are held after Caltech business hours, so parking in the school lots is free!