This summer, the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag, managed by Closed Loop Partners, launched a first-of-a-kind multi-retailer pilot program to test in-market viability of reusable bag models in Northern California. Beyond the Bag Challenge winners ChicoBag Company, Fill it Forward, GOATOTE and 99Bridges ran a pilot program across a total of nine stores of the Consortium’s Founding Partners – @cvspharmacy @target and @walmart
We created a use case video for each technology, filming with a small crew to reduce our impact during active retail operations. We also created an overall story video combining our footage from the retail locations, with interview footage we filmed at the @ideo studio in Palo Alto, and additional footage from the New York city pilot program.
Special thanks to my crew on this project:, @portraiteursf and @saravasquezsm , I could not have done this without you!
#videostorytelling #retail #sustainability #alternativesolutions
I can’t overstate how inspirational it was to work with the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag, Closed Loop Partners, and @ideo and their teams of passionate, talented humans, who have committed years of their lives in an attempt to change the intractable environmental problem of the single-use plastic bag. To all involved: I thank you, and one day my children will thank you.
#videostorytelling #retail #sustainability #alternativesolutions
It was an honor and a pleasure to work with the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag to help tell their story of advancing sustainable alternatives to the single-use plastic bag. Hired by Closed Loop Partners and collaborating with @ideo to produce the work, we created four videos to document and celebrate testing these alternative solutions in the real world.
#videostorytelling #retail #sustainability #alternativesolutions
Worm poop is cool! TerraVesco is a local Sonoma County manufacturer providing vermicompost (a.k.a. fancy worm poop) for local agriculture and home gardeners. As usual, it was great fun collaborating with Resonate Marketing Services, Duncan Clark (aerial & ground footage) and Holly Dubkoff (video editing).
#sonomacounty #commercialvideo #manufacturingvideo #wormpoop #golocal @terravesco_feed_the_soil @nolanlowry @hollydub @wduncanc
Lunch with a 360 degree view! During spring break we went camping at Carrizo Plain and we hiked up to this spectacular hilltop to eat our lunch. Awe inspiring views, ravens playing in the wind, swifts buzzing us like fighter jets...I can’t wait to get back to this place!
#camping #soulfood #lunchwithaview #adventure @autumnslenspix
Hybrid architectural photography and video shoots are one of my favorite challenges. The combination forces my brain to jump back and forth between solving the technical problems of each format. The skillsets are complementary and build on each other: shooting video makes me a better still photographer, and shooting stills makes my videos stronger.
#architecturevideo #commercialvideo #keeplearning
@mbharch @jungfitzpatrick
Local companies doing cool things! Check out this video we created for Terravesco, a Sonoma County manufacturer that produces fancy worm castings - used by many local vineyards! Special thanks to Duncan Clark for his excellent aerial work, and Holly Dubkoff for bringing it all together in Post. Art direction: Nolan Lowry at Resonate Digital.
#industrialphotography #Industrialvideo #manufacturingphotography #localbusiness @wduncanc @hollydub @nolanlowry @terravesco_feed_the_soil
Hybrid stills and video shoots are great fun, and yield a deeper dive into the story. Special thanks to Duncan Clark, drone pilot and cameraman on this project, whose great attitude and technical skill make every project better. Holly Dubkoff’s video editing prowess brought our video to life.
#aerialvideography #drone #differentperspective @tlcd_architecture @vanpelt_cm_pm
@arntzbuilders @mmmbackman @collagecity @autumnslenspix @servaiscarl @marinaestarkey @hollydub @wduncanc
Since before I was born, this train has been delivering small wrapped gifts to each person at the dinner table on Christmas Eve. The youngest member of the family gets to be the engineer, so historically there’s plenty of crashing, knocked over drinks, and general hilarity. And the train is about 65 years old, so it’s always an adventure to keep it running. This year it will be just the four of us, but the old train will remind us of all the loved ones we wish we were at the table with us. (Note the new “Polar Express” label added by a young engineer this year)”
#kidmagic #familytradition #happyholidays #choochoo
@autumnslenspix @peggykinstler
Here’s a little something I’m thankful for: a while back, I was having a bad day - stressed out about work. My 6 year old son walked into the studio and handed me this little rock with a smiley face. I asked what it was and he replied, “It’s a comfort rock I made for you. If you feel bad, you just hold it and you’ll feel better.”
It’s been almost three years and the magic he put into that rock still works when I need it. ❤️❤️❤️
Happy Thanksgiving!
#kidmagic #grateful #happythanksgiving @autumnslenspix @peggykinstler
One of the best perks of my job: I get to learn from the remarkable people with whom I collaborate. The team at Nkarta Therapeutics is an inspiring group of professional, organized, and very smart people doing important work.
Take a peek behind the curtain during our recent hybrid video + stills shoot. Thank you Katja for the fun bts video work, you rock!!
#bts #awesomepeople #storytelling #architecturalphotography #teamwork
Hybrid stills + video shoots produce more content for less $$. Because we can efficiently leverage the creative investment we make to create the still photographs into the video, we reduce the overall cost of production significantly.
...And these shoots are super fun, interactive and fast paced.
It's particularly satisfying when we get to work with a team of great people doing good work like this project with Nkarta Theraputics.
#storytelling #photoandvideo #teamwork