Tokyo 🇯🇵 day 3
I’m exhausted 😩 😂 These teenagers have so much energy and they want to do and see everything yesterday. 😅 We went up in the Skytree which is the tallest tower in the world 🌎 except for something just built in Dubai. Elevator was so fast it made your head spin. We went to so many Pokémon centers, Nintendo stores and there are stores upon stores here…you name it—> it’s massive stimulation overload and the boys are buying up s**t like it’s the end of the world. Then we went to an aquarium to unwind a bit …. That was peaceful. We’ve been navigating the trains and subways pretty well but we were tired so we hopped in a taxi 🚕 to meet a friend of my neighbors from NYC who is living in Tokyo. She took us to this famous 🍣 sushi restaurant named Kaikaya by the Sea where the fish was unbelievable and the owner was so welcoming. The Japanese are so kind. If you ask for directions they drop everything and walk you to your destination. This has happened at least 5 times already. My kid keeps telling me he’s going to live here one day so I guess I better get acclimated to this country. I do love it but I think Italy 🇮🇹 is more my speed. We are off to Kyoto on the bullet train 🚄 today to see some geisha and experience more old school Japan. 🇯🇵🙌🏼