Discotheque 10 this Friday! Let’s get our groove on with funk, disco, and latin house 🪩 live @undergroundvbc
Another clip from the @undergroundvbc w/ @kevinpnuez
Live at @undergroundvbc w/ @broxmusik PART 1
#housemusic #nightlife #njnightlife #njmusicscene #music #trending #remix #live #nj #njdj #djnj
Little recap from the @undergroundvbc with the fam @most.some @broxmusik @kevinpnuez and @theeventspecialists.by.pa
Edited by @jame_sperry.mp4
🚨Special announcement 🚨 We got @ayoochillstudios Recording the night and we’lll be posting our favorite moments! Don’t forget to read the flyer information about djing with us 🫶 we will also be offering a couple little goodies and giveaways through out the night aswell 🌙 any questions dm us (illadef)
#housemusic #opendecknj #djnj #dj #njhouse #njdj #njmusicscene #njopendeck #njmusic #njevents
Damnnnnn it’s already our 1 year anniversary 🥹 come celebrate with us flyer pinned to our page!
#housemusic #dj #njhouse #philly #opendecknj #djnj #njmusicscene #funknj #njnightlife
Recap from last event @roosterspin_nj hosted by @griffin_moonstone
#housemusic #funknj #njfunk #opendecknj #njopendeck #njopendecks
Tonight! we are at @roosterspin_nj featuring @l8nite_t and @broxmusik TIME SLOTS ARE FULL flyer pinned to our page! See yall there!
#opendecknj #njopendeck #opendeckjersey #djnj #njdj #newbrunswick #centraljersey
Did some “old school” promoting 😎 who’s ready???? This Friday w/ @most.some @cheezynyc @marcus.fwe and @blvck_truffle laying down VIBES
#njhouse #housemusic #jerseyhouse #housejersey #nightlifenj #njnightlife #njmusicscene
@melodymarketevent afterparty open deck vibing at @suttonsphilly !
#opendeckphilly #opendeck #opendeckpa #paopendeck #phillyopendeck #dj #djs #housemusic #housecolletive
Open deck @roosterspin_nj is soooooooooooo close! Thursday pull up and vibe out with us! All rules and info pinned to our page!
DC was LIT thank you to @deeptechdc and the homie @djkrashendo putting the awesome event together!