Once again, thank you to everyone that came out to support me at NOTO Philadelphia. Moises Cruz. I recorded my set from Saturday night to feature as my next podcast episode, which is Episode 049, and is available today! So, if you couldn't make it, you can listen to my set now, and if you did make it, you can listen to it again. It is available at www.jodeuce.com for free to stream or download. You can get all previous episodes and all track listings of Just Music Podcast from my website. It is also available on Apple Podcasts as a free download. You can subscribe by clicking the following link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/just-music-podcast/id910023385?https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/just-music-podcast/id910023385?
You'll be the first to know when a new episode drops.
Enjoy the set!
Jo Deuce