Bosses, here are 5 types of events that can help you elevate your business. Let's chat about which event will work best for you.
#yhdevent #yhdenterprises #womeninbusiness #blackwomeninbusiness #eventsforbusiness #strategiesforbusiness
Bosses, there are many business owners and organizations that are looking forward to or have already begun planning in-person events. It will only continue to propel as the world reopens.
Here is a snippet of me talking on this topic.
#yhdevents #businesseventstrategist #eventstrategy #womeninbusiness #blackwomeninbusiness #hybridevents #picpocbestie
Blessed Mother's Day to the all Mompreneurs, Mothers, Grandmothers, and Mother Figures. We appreciate you!
[#Video] Impromptu quick tip on speaking to a potential event sponsor.
[YHD EXEC GIFTS] Shipping Exec gifts for my clients retreat in Feb.
YHD Holiday Gift Goodies for Business Owners
Bosses, here is the annual YHD Holiday Gift Goodies for Business Owners. #Share with your colleagues, clients, customers, and friends. Visit >>>
Audio Message: Click on the image to hear.
Let's Talk Events For Business Webseries: Giving Value with Virtual Events
Webisode #7 Let's talk about giving value through virtual events.
Events for Business Webisode #6: Why I Love Business Events+ How are you doing in this New Normal
I want to share why I am passionate about business and events and how it directed me to help business owners.
Events for Business WebSeries:Webisode#6
I will also discuss why you have to keep going in this challenging time.