Happy weekend to you, friends! Blog is up with part two of Eden’s story - The Birth Part ❤️
It only took an extra week and a half of mostly sleepless nights, with Eden’s first two baby teeth appearing, some intense vaccines, a family cold, and me entering a new birth year.
BUT here we are, blog post is done and all family members are alive and thriving at the moment 😅🙌
I’m very excited to share this story with you, and I hope you will share your own with me!
Gentle reminder for any pregnant folks reading the blog today, please take it with a grain of salt ♥️ All labors are unique stories. Trust the process and don’t be scared, you’ll do amazing!
*If you’re pregnant and about to read this, just a reminder that this is one labor story of billions out there. Don’t be afraid, since the dawn of time women have delivered babies and you absolutely got this. Your body finds ways to cope during it and after it's over, you will feel so incredibly...