It’s time for another TBT Class Reunion! This time it’s the Plainfield High School Class of 1988, who will have graduated 37 years ago this year Enjoy some memorable moments from your senior year, courtesy of the 1988 Silhouettes PHS yearbook.
1: Class officers: Jim Wilson (VP), Rob Jones (Pres.), Jennifer Hickam (Sec.).
2: (top l-r) Julie Kennedy entertains with EXISTENCE; Mike Vaughn was an auditorium crew member; Amy Gossman was Homecoming Queen; (middle) Scott Morris competed at DECA conference; Shelly Dowden and Carolyn Lane are caught by the camera; Greg Mayo talks about cruising; (bottom) Brian Dennison was an auditorium crew member; Lisa Castetter working at Clothes Out Junction; Aaron Arnold acts in "It Happens Every Summer".
3: (top) Tapani Vargas, Powder Puff King, and Steve Cobb, senior cheerleader; Rob Dininger and Jenne Shobe dance at Prom; (middle) Kina Pithoud and Matt Theobald act in It Happens Every Summer; Joe Hammond enjoys Spring Break; David Jordan discusses homework; (bottom) Amy Fanning and Sabrina Bryant work together; Christy Smith and her date enjoy Prom.
4. Top Twenty: (front) Bob Nixon, Jeff Ferrell, Steve Viehe, John Bloomer, Eric Graves, Jim Wilson, Rusty Hughes, Dan McConnell; (rear) Julie Kennedy, Carolyn Klueg, Melissa Loy, Chris Gummer, Lisa Young, Robin Hooton, Amy Elliott, Nicole Crager, Jennifer Zuber, Amy Fanning, Mary Ann Wubbolding, Lori Ping.
5. Senior National Honor Society members: (front) Eric Graves, Rusty Hughes, Jim Wilson, Carolyn Klueg, Jeff Farrell, John Bloomer; (middle) Dan McConnell, Amy Elliott, Jodi Peters, Jennifer Zuber, Julie Kennedy, Lori Ping, Melissa Loy, Dena Welsh; (rear) Bob Nixon, Amy Fanning, Jenny Shobe, Lisa Young, Talisa Zimmerman, Robin Hooten, Steve Viehe.
6. (top) Dena Welsh plays basketball; Richard Reynolds clears a hurdle; Mary Ann Wubbolding waits to set the volleyball; (middle) Travis Shadwick clears the high jump bar; Suzette Reed serves; (bottom) Teresa Jones performs on the balance beam; Rashid Kourany plays tennis; Steve Viehe was Cross Country MVP.
7. (top) Jerry Williams golfs; Amy Gossman and Kelly Legg were the Senior cheerleaders; Sean Atkins awaits his opponent; Donnie Brenneman pins his opponent; Amy Fanning was drum major; (bottom) Kevin Helser golfs; Jeff Wetzel prepares to race; Cross country co-captain Steve Cobb catches some breath.
8. Seniors get ready to graduate: (top) Josh Williams, Jerry Williams, Brian Livingston, Shawn Cooper, Troy White, Jason Castetter, Mike Nay; (middle) Alisia Miller and Marlene Bridges; Mindy Shillings and J.D. Muench; (bottom) Julie Boulware; Allison Clapp, Dena Welsh, Kelly Reardon and Lori LaRoche.
9. Valedictorian Jennifer Zuber and Salutatorian Jeff Farrell.
10. Graduation!