For all those who could not attend the theater showing of Vaxxed 3 Authorized to Kill, the documentary that has some of my husbands story in it, as well as his name in the credits among the so many victims. There will be an opportunity to sign up to watch it online October 4th. Please sign up early so they know how many people to prepare for, so they can have their computer systems ready to handle the magnitude of viewers. Theaters were SOLD OUT across america for this event, and many were still asking how can they see it? So now there is another opportunity as well as a chance to own your own copy on DVD around Christmas. I’m glad Ryans story will be documented for decades to come ( if we are here that long ). His murder will not go in vain and his name will be remembered. His wife did NOT Stay silent and WILL NOT. Before Ryan could go into the hands of the “good dr” fighting for him starting that monday, where the chief of staff was making him be the head of the ICU for the week, as a last ditch effort to save Ryan from those simply “Following orders”. And after Ryan, was removed off the ivermectin and steroid that was helping him to improve, the rest of the doctors pulled out all stops to make sure that Ryan would not survive long enough to go into the hands of the Dr who was fighting for him. ( average amount of fentanyl given to a patient going under surgery is 100 mcg max every 4-6 hrs ). Ryan was given over 35 doses of fentanyl in 24 hrs. Doses like 500 mcg in a hour, then 600 mcg in a hour, followed by 775 mcg in a hour and 4 min. LETHAL DOSES. That other drs have faced criminal / murder charges for administering and hasting death on patients. This was done to euthanize Ryan. I got to the hospital on monday 3 am after getting a call from the “Good dr” to come down. I got there and took one look at Ryan from outside his hospital room. Standing in the hall outside his room I looked at him and even from that distance, I said “My God, what did they do to him? Why does he look like he OD? Why does he look like he overdosed? Why?” As that was my very first thoughts. While having no idea at the time thats exactly what was done to Ryan. The hospital did NOT want this doctor breaking “protocol” even using something that Ryan was responding well to. They wanted to stop him, and for them to continue to “Obey orders”. So to protect their own jobs. So to stop Ryan who was stable, and about to go into the hands of the doctor fighting to save him and who would be in charge of his care to continue to help him, it appears as though they had to quickly hasten his death to make sure this did not occur, and this is how the hospital labeled Ryan a “covid death”. Makes you wonder how many others like room 17, and like Ryan where admins told the nurses, to “Get them out faster” due to us trying to break protocol. Like we had no right to refuse an unwanted treatment. How many others were victims of those “Following orders”. Just like medical staff said they were doing to justify the genocide of the jews during the control of h*tler. It’s so dangerously similar. 😔.