BaseLine Folk Society

BaseLine Folk Society A wonderful venue for folk and traditional acoustic music. Our format has evolved over the past 11 years to better serve our audience and participants.

We sponsor monthly Open-Mics at 7 pm on the 3rd Saturdays, Sep-May at the Plymouth Arts Council Bldg, 774 N Sheldon Rd, Plymouth MI. $7 admission, memberships available. We are excited to be in the midst of our 12th Season of sharing acoustic folk and traditional music at BaseLine! We are a "work in progress" and the officers and directors of BaseLine Folk Society welcome innovative input. This i

s how we roll! We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month from September to May from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. at the JWH Center for the Arts/Plymouth Community Arts Council located at 744 N Sheldon Rd, Plymouth 48170. Donations are $5 at the door or annual memberships are available for individuals ($20) or families ($40) which cover admission for the entire nine events of the Season. Our feature presentation will perform a 30 minute set beginning at 8:00 p.m. There will be 10 open mic spots available for the talented performers who come to share their music with us. Each performer is allotted two songs or 10 minutes to delight us with their acoustic acumen! A few will perform before the feature presentation and the rest will follow our guest performer. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, please come and sign up between 6:15 and 6:40 p.m. If more than 10 performers sign up, a lottery will be held for the open spots. Welcome, one and all!

Thank you everyone for coming out for our last baseline gathering of this season!  We appreciate you all and look forwar...

Thank you everyone for coming out for our last baseline gathering of this season! We appreciate you all and look forward to seeing you in the fall! Have a blessed summer!
Terry Treppa did a great job hosting! And The Elderly Brothers +1 were wonderful!


Greetings, BaseLine Family!

Here we are, all too soon, at the final BaseLine event for our 18th Season. Time truly does fly when you are having fun! We hope you have enjoyed being a part of our musical adventures and look forward to seeing you again in September when we launch our 19th Season.

Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote, "Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp,
but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." We hope you will come and sit down with us for a few hours and share in some happiness with an evening of acoustic folk and traditional music beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday May 18th at the Plymouth Arts Council. A printable flyer is attached for your reference.

Your host for May is Terry Treppa. Terry is back in Michigan from his winter sojourn to Arizona where he enjoys jamming and teaching harmonica and ukulele. He also plays the guitar and banjo. A Senior Catholic Priest, Terry helps out at St. Mary's in Wayne and St. Richard's in Westland. As host, Terry will sing two songs and introduce the evening's performers.

Featured this May is a folk-singing trio named The Elderly Brothers. Tom Lamb, Bryan Childs and Mike Day are members of this "elderly" trio who are in the prime of their life and enjoying performing ageless folk songs which have a timeless tenacity for being remembered and revered. I am fairly certain we will all want to sing along! They have been practicing hard and will present their well-rehearsed 30 minute program beginning at 8:00 p.m.

Thank you all for your loyalty and support in keeping our doors open for the appreciation of a much loved music genre that never gets old. For keeping alive the songs and stories of times and lives gone by...we thank all our musicians. Our sound technicians Dave and Tracey Drouillard have done a fantastic job of making all of us sound great and we totally appreciate their efforts. Finally, thank you to all the Board members who work together to bring an entertaining evening to you for nine months of the year. Thank you John Delle-Monache, Maggie Zakem, Karen Ludwig, Scott Ludwig, Julie Bengtsson and Sara Thompson. Great 18th Season!!!

We hope to see you on May 18th and we wish you a relaxing and memorable summer.

Be well and be safe.

Cathy Miller
President, BaseLine Folk Society

Thank you to Kathy Wieland for hosting!  Great job!  And Beverly Meyer thanks for making us all smile with your amazing ...

Thank you to Kathy Wieland for hosting! Great job! And Beverly Meyer thanks for making us all smile with your amazing songs!


Greetings BaseLine Family!

American romantic poet and journalist William Cullen Bryant wrote: "There is no glory in star or blossom till looked upon by a loving eye; there is no fragrance in April breezes till breathed with joy as they wander by."

I might add, there is no appreciation for the sounds of music till shared for all to imbibe. (Yep, I made that up!)

That's what we do! We share endless (well, ok, from 7:00 p.m - 9:30 p.m.) sounds of music for you to drink in and enjoy every third Saturday from September to May at the Plymouth Arts Council. We hope you will join us on April 20th for another fun evening of shared acoustic folk and traditional music. A flyer is attached for your reference.

Our Host is singer/songwriter Kathy Wieland. Whether accompanied by her autoharp, guitar or banjo, Kathy's songs are a delight! As host, Kathy will sing two songs and introduce the performers throughout the evening.

Beverly Meyer is our Feature for April and once again brings her rich and soulful voice to our stage. Beverly is well known as the Music Lady for children's music but has another side as singer/songwriter. The depth and energy of her style will leave you wanting much more than the 30 minute set Beverly will perform for us beginning at 8:00 p.m. You won't want to miss those precious moments!

We hope to see you on the 20th and until then, be well and be safe.

Cathy Miller
President, BaseLine Folk Society


☘️Dear BaseLine Family,

Sure 'n it's going to be a grand evening of song and shenanigans on Saturday, March 16th, at the Plymouth Arts Council from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. We hope you will come and join us to add to the merriment! (A flyer is attached for your reference.)

With Maggie Zakem as our host and the Sorenson Family as our feature, it is sure to be a lively night of music to set your toes tapping and your voices singing along.

As host, our very own Irish Sprite, Maggie (Malone) Zakem will bring with her a veritable pot of gold to share with us in the guise of her beautiful voice and skillful instrumental accompaniment. Added to that are Maggie's natural wit and charm which are as delightful to behold as the sight of a rainbow! As host, Maggie will sing two songs and introduce the performers throughout the evening.

Our feature will be the Sorenson Family which keeps growing! In addition to Chris and Stephanie, Chris' father Wayne and mother Dorothy will be joining the family band on stage. This talented group plays a mash-up of traditional bluegrass, folk and blues on the banjo, fiddle, guitar, base and cello. Besides their instrumental talent, Chris and Stephanie are also the proud owners of Companion Banjos, crafting one-of-a-kind custom banjos and accessories for pickers across the country. It is our good fortune to have the Sorensons on our stage once again! They will perform a 30 minute set beginning at 8:00 p.m.

We hope you will come and join in the fun. I would like to leave you with a heartfelt Irish Blessing:

"May you live a long life, full of gladness and health; with pockets full of gold, as the least of your wealth.
May the dreams you hold dearest, be those which come true; the kindness you spread, keep returning to you." ☘️

Be well and be safe.
Cathy Miller
President, BaseLine Folk Society

Our February Baseline went great!  Our host Julie Bengtsson opened the evening with two songs. Our feature was The Folk ...

Our February Baseline went great! Our host Julie Bengtsson opened the evening with two songs. Our feature was The Folk Laureates - Scott, Cathy and John - and they were amazing! Thank you for a night of music, smiles and camaraderie!


Dear BaseLine Family,

Happy Leap Year February!!! Spring is getting closer...and closer...and closer! Can you feel it? Even the groundhog knows it won't be long.

A late 19th Century poet, Pauline Frances Camp, wrote a delightful poem about February that goes like this:

I am a little fellow, though I'm always up to date.
The days I hold within my hand are only twenty-eight;
But I just save my moments up,
And count them o'er and o'er,
Till in four years I've saved enough to make up one day more.
But little folks that kindly are, and pleasant in their play,
May save enough in far less time to make a happy day.

Well, we at BaseLine have been diligently saving our moments up to make a very happy day this February to share our acoustic folk and traditional music with you. Please join us on Saturday, February 17th, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Plymouth Community Arts Council. A flyer is attached with the details.

Our host for February is Julie Bengtsson. Julie has been a part of BaseLine for many years and currently keeps our page up to date with announcements and pictures/videos from our events. Even with a full schedule of being a Grandma to one (and another on the way) Julie loves practicing her music and when she takes the stage, you know you will hear a heartfelt rendition of her chosen songs. As host, Julie will sing two songs and introduce the performers throughout the evening.

Featuring this February is the Folk Laureates. This entertaining trio is made up of Scott Ludwig, John Delle-Monache and myself (Cathy Miller). We first got together in 2011 to present a tribute to Woody Guthrie and have been playing together ever since! Thirteen years!!!! FUN is our forte! With Scott on the banjo, John with his guitar licks and me...well, Mom said if you can't sing good, sing loud! Our instrumentals and harmonies are laced with laughter and love and we know you will get a kick out of what we have come up with for you on the 17th. The Folk Laureates will take the stage at 8:00 p.m. for a 30 minute set.

We hope you have saved some moments up so that you can come and share in a sure to be fun night!

Be well and be safe.
Cathy Miller
President, BaseLine Folk Society

Fantastic night at Baseline!  Sara our host did a wonderful job! (and we celebrated her birthday by singing to her!).  O...

Fantastic night at Baseline! Sara our host did a wonderful job! (and we celebrated her birthday by singing to her!). Our feature was the amazing Julie and David! Wow! Just incredible! Thanks to all who joined us for a great evening! See you next month!


Happy New Year, BaseLine Family!

The holidays have come and gone.
The New Year's ball descended.
But wait! Another year has begun,
Full of music and voices blended!

And where can you find this renewed delight
To lift your spirits higher?
Why, BaseLine of course! How could you forget?
All the details are on the flyer!

In all seriousness...even the great George Gershwin wrote a song about us (sort of). Remember this one?
"I got rhythm, I got music, I got BaseLine, who could ask for anything more?"

Right? (OK, so I used my poetic license a bit.)

The bottom line is...2024 is a new year with more of what BaseLine brings you and we are ready to start it off right on Saturday, January 20th, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Plymouth Arts Council. There will be 10 open mic spots and a 30 minute feature to celebrate our acoustic folk and traditional music. A flyer is attached with the details.

Our Host for January is Sara Thompson. Sara is our very own Miss Congeniality, always with a smile on her face and a song in her heart! We have had the good fortune to hear Sara's lovely voice sharing those songs from her heart along with the accompaniment of John Delle-Monache. As host, Sara will sing two songs and introduce the performers throughout the evening.

January's Feature is David and Julie Landry. We have had the pleasure of enjoying David and Julie on our stage last year and have wanted to hear more ever since! They have been performing acoustic music in the metro Detroit area for 25 years, both individually and together. Their music features vocal harmonies and fingerpicking styles over a wide variety of folk and pop music. Julie and David will take the stage at 8:00 p.m. for a 30 minute set. Like George said..."Who could ask for anything more?"

Again, may I say Happy New Year and set the stage for 2024 with this quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson: "Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering it will be happier."

Hope to see you on the 20th!

Be well and be safe.
Cathy Miller
President, BaseLine Folk Society

Our host Scott Ludwig did a great job and kept us laughing with his subtle jokes between performances.Our feature, Voice...

Our host Scott Ludwig did a great job and kept us laughing with his subtle jokes between performances.
Our feature, Voices of Chaos, brought their "A" game for the holidays.
It was a festive night to remember ...complete with Elvis singing "Blue Christmas" and, of course, the Grinch!


'Twas nine days before Christmas and what's through that door?
It's the Plymouth Arts Council but much more!
With banjos and guitars and musicians to play,
It's a grand music fest and there's cookies they say!

Take a break from the shopping and baking and such.
Give yourself that time out you deserve oh so much.
Sit back and relax, sing along, clap in time,
And celebrate the Season here with us at Baseline!

At the end of the evening, we hope you'll depart
With a smile on your face and a song in your heart!

We cordially invite you to join us on Saturday, December 16th, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. for an evening of acoustic folk and traditional music. There will be 10 open mic spots and a 30 minute feature presentation for your enjoyment. A flyer is attached for your reference.

Our host for December is our president emeritus and retired band conductor Scott Ludwig. Scott plays a plethora of string and percussion instruments and his knowledge of music knows no bounds! He is involved with several performing groups such as the Folk Laureates, the Dodworth Saxhorn Band, and the University of Michigan Alumni Band. As host, Scott will play two songs and introduce the evening's performers including our feature composed of former band students once privileged to be under his tutelage!

Speaking of features, this month we are delighted to welcome back the Voices of Chaos. We had the pleasure of hearing this band in May and wanted to hear more! Our sound engineer Dave Drouillard, his brother Dan, and W***y Scott are the members of this group. They have been singing together for over 40 years, starting out as a Do-op trio called the Tiers. Dan was only 12 at the time so the name played off their differences in height. Having mastered some instruments to add to their voices, (cuz everyone knows girls love a guitar player) they started a rock band called Chaos. Their big debut was at Huron High School's 1981 pops concert under the direction of Scott Ludwig. We are very excited to have the Voices of Chaos performing on our stage once again with their acoustic and vocal based versions of the popular songs from their era. They will play a 30 minute set beginning at 8:00 p.m.

We hope to see you all on Saturday, December 16th, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Be well and be safe.
Be humble and kind.
And may the peace of the Season
Be yours to find.

Cathy Miller
President, BaseLine Folk Society


774 N Sheldon Road
Plymouth, MI



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Our Story

We are excited to be in the midst of our 15th Season of sharing acoustic folk and traditional music at BaseLine! Our format has evolved over the past 15 years to better serve our audience and participants. We are a "work in progress" and the officers and directors of BaseLine Folk Society welcome innovative input. This is how we roll! We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month from September to May from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. at the JWH Center for the Arts/Plymouth Community Arts Council located at 744 N Sheldon Rd, Plymouth 48170. Donations are $5 at the door or annual memberships are available for individuals ($20) or families ($40) which cover admission for the entire nine events of the Season. Our feature presentation will perform a 30 minute set. There will be 10 open mic spots available for the talented performers who come to share their music with us. Each performer is allotted two songs or 10 minutes to delight us with their acoustic acumen! A few will perform before the feature presentation and the rest will follow our guest performer. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, please come and sign up between 6:15 and 6:40 p.m. If more than 10 performers sign up, a lottery will be held for the open spots. Welcome, one and all!

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